To read recent reports of Coyote sightings
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Coyote in Burlington Suburb
This morning, December 27th at 6:30, I was shoveling snow when I was approached by a Coyote.
I tried gently pushing him away with my shovel and he …
Coyotes in Galt and Hespeler, Cambridge
Coyotes! Lots of Cambridge sightings. One on Jamieson Parkway around 11 p.m.
Two separate sightings at Conestoga Blvd/Pinebush (one in the intersection, …
I live in Bass Lake just 5 minutes from Orillia, Ontario. Our backyard backs onto bush.
The Coyote are a regular sight as my husband and I walk our …
Coyotes in south Ajax
This evening, November 27th 2012, around 7:05 pm I was walking my dog down but the lake.
A week ago I had seen one Coyote. I stayed on the north side …
Coyotes NE of Port Perry
We have lived in this area for only several years, but experienced these large varmints on many occasions.
Latest sighting was in someone's backyard, …
Coyotes / Wolves
I live on a farm in Milton, Ontario, and have a pack of Coyotes who howl every night near my farmhouse. I think that they have found my compost and …
Coyotes On Bovaird
At about 10:30pm on Thursday November 15, I was walking my 2 dogs along the Etobicoke Creek Trail just south of Bovaird Drive in Brampton, Ontario.
Coyotes in Birchmount and McNicoll area
I live by L'Amoreaux Park, and I see these guys walking up and down the walking path weekly, and if I don't see 'em, I can hear them!
Most of the times …
Major population outbrake in Wilberforce, Ontario
Over the past couple years I have seen an explosion of Coyote population with the disappearance of Wolves.
These brash animals have been sighted directly …
Funeral with a Coyote watching
My mother was buried on Friday the 26th of October and it was the kind of day she would of loved, windy with a storm brewing with a couple of Hawks flying …
Coyote on my street in Richmond Hill
I was walking my dog last night at approximately 7:00 p.m. and a coyote came within 5 feet of us on our street, which is just behind Hillcrest Mall. …
Coyote attempted to attack my dog
Last night, Saturday October 27th at approximately 8:15 pm I was walking my two dogs, a 1 year old Boston Terrier and a 2 year old Australian Shepherd/Border …
Coyote in Port Hope
My husband and I walk our Dog (a Golden Doodle, 65 pounds) at the Rec Centre Area in Port Hope, Ontario.
Along a Trail, around the lower Soccer Fields, …
Coyotes in Barrie, Ontario
Hi my story starts on Thanksgiving Day 2012.
I live in Barrie, Ontario, Canada. If you want to see the bush I was in go to Google Earth and type in …
Yelping Coyotes in Galt Cambridge
At approximately 4:30 am I was suddenly awakened by the yelping calls of excitement by Coyotes.
This has happened many early mornings when windows …
Coyotes in Courtice
I was awoken last night at about 2am from howling and yelping of what sounded like a pack of Coyotes.
This went on for a couple hours and at one point …
Coyote on Municipal street in Guelph
My neighbour and I were outside in front of my house on Friday night September 8 2012. My lab started barking at something in the green space across the …
Manchester Road Kitchener
While walking my dog on leash on the trail behind our house on Manchester Road, Kitchener, I saw what appeared to be about the size of a large Retriever, …
Hespeler Coyotes
Our home in Hespeler (Cambridge, Ontario) backs onto a deciduous forest and large marsh which is connected, via a strip of forest, to the Speed River valley. …
Elgin County coyote / wolf experience
We've lived in a small village in Elgin for 25 years, have many bonfires at night and have often heard the Coyote yips and howls, sometimes close, …
Port Hope Coyotes
Hello - my wife and I live in Port Hope, Ontario, near a town park with soccer fields and a trail system. We enjoy walking our dog along the trail in the …
Small Dogs and Cats Become Prey in Nature
Today I am not surprised by so many Coyote incidents.
With most people being urban dwellers, and habitat greatly reduced, by the GROWING HUMAN POPULATION …
Mississauga Coyotes
Many Coyotes reside around Lisgar area, which is north-west Mississauga, Ontario. Frequently we hear their cries at night, emanating from the open fields …
Surprise visit while sipping my early morning tea
June 10 - 5am - Up early as per usual - sat outside on the front porch with my much loved first mug of hot strong English breakfast tea.
My husband …
Coyote Crossing
Often in St. Catharines Ontario I take my power chair and travel the pathway through Centennial Gardens Park, which travels around the stream (the site …
Coyotes in Aurora
The morning of April 11th, 2012, I was driving down McClellan Drive (Bathurst & Henderson).
A block in front of me, a Coyote ran right across the …
Three Coyotes
One day when my Mom and I were driving up Nissouri Road, Thorndale, just north of Medway Road, we saw three Coyotes at the side of the road.
They …
Coyote in Ajax
Out walking my dog near Ajax hospital and we were followed by a Coyote who was waiting in Clements wood lot, Clements Road.
We were no more than 10-15 …
Recent sightings
Lucy wrote to tell us - Last night, and many nights last summer, we heard loud howling parties - Coyotes . It is a very strange sound and typically …
Our Dogs Meet Neighbour Coyotes
Our home backs on to the Oak Ridges Moraine and it's not uncommon hear the Coyotes frequently during the night. We have two Thailand Ridgeback dogs, …
Scarborough Coyotes
I live on the Birkdale Ravine and have seen for years Coyotes , Fox , and once a Wolf .
Last night, March 2nd 2012, my neighbour saw, at our …
Coyotes at Midnight in Brampton
I had put my two dogs out at approximately 12:30 am this past week in Brampton.
My backyard is adjacent to a ditch / ravine. I heard a shrill bark …
Another deer killer down!
I do what ever I can to eliminate this vermin from our farm and the whole area if I can.
City people just don't understand the problems and dangers …
Five Coyote Sightings
We recently had reports of Coyotes seen in various parts of the province.
The first was submitted by Robert, from Lefaivre, Ontario, who said ..... …
Coyotes in Cobden, Ontario
08:15hrs 08 February 2012
A large Coyote was seen prancing along a fence line between two fields heading towards Muskrat Lake.
Another Coyote followed …
Coyotes in Mississauga
Every night for the past week I have been hearing what I first thought was a dog, then dogs.
I then began to realize they were coming from Tom Chater …
Coyotes in Whitby
I live in Whitby, Ontario. I am in the subdivision at Rossland Road W and Cochrane Street.
I have seen the Coyotes from time to time over the years. …
Better change your thinking!
I live in Cambridge, Ontario, and I have been an outdoor person all my life. I am 50 years old and have lived here since I was 5 years of age.
I have …
Coyote in Woodbridge
My first experience seeing a Coyote was today, Monday January 30th 2012, at around 1pm, and it was a fairly good experience.
I was on my desk next …
Coyote in the Guelph Quarry
Today two of my friends and I went for a walk in the Guelph quarry, we went in there a couple weeks ago for the first time because we were curious as to …
First time Coyote experience
Like many, I have known that urban areas can and do share their areas with Coyotes.
I have yet to see any, but nevertheless, I had my first experience …
Coyote in Oxford and Brant counties
I was driving on the 403 towards Woodstock, Ontario from Brantford, and I saw a Coyote on the side of the highway.
A big female, appeared like she was …
North Oshawa Coyote
I work just north of Taunton Road on Simcoe Street, Oshawa. Having Camp Samac right there and lots of wooded areas we have seen Coyotes over the …
Seven Sightings!
In the past month or so, we have received several short reports from our readers who have sighted Coyotes in Southern Ontario.
Here is a synopsis of …
So what?
I've lived in Southern Ontario most of my 48 years.
Grew up on the Welland canal from St. Kitts to Port Colborne.
I've always had a dog and walked …
Yes I have
One day I was in my house and my dog started to bark, so I looked out the window and there were two large Coyotes trying to attack my pet ducks.
So …
Coyote Attack
Well it was December 12/2011 around 8pm, I was out hanging X-mas lights and I had both of my dogs out with me.
A 8yr old Golden Retriever & a 4yr old …
Large Coyote
Earlier today around 12.30 this afternoon, January 3, 2012, I saw the biggest Coyote I have ever seen.
It was in the land behind our home that is in …
Coyotes Tecumseh / Windsor borderline
About 4 days ago my girlfriend and I spotted two Coyotes running down our road, right off of Banwell Road.
I tried to get a close up on them but my …
Several Sightings around Ontario
One of our readers says ..... We live in Brighton, Ontario. We commonly hear Coyotes in the evening and occasionally spot them in our field in the evenings. …
Big bad coyote in caledon
Was 11:00pm, went out to car when I was confronted by a Coyote. The animal was ten feet away staring and growling.
I did not run but went forward towards …
My friend and I, plus my small 5 lb Maltese dog, were walking along the bluffs at the bottom of Morningside Avenue in Scarborough, Ontario, this evening …
Coyotes in Cambridge and Etobicoke
Allison, one of our readers tells us - We spotted a Coyote in a field across from a pond on Sunday, April 8th at 6:15pm. The field is located beside an …
Coyote close call
I just want to tell my story of recent encounters with Coyotes .
We live in a farming and horse area with a lot of subdivisions and a huge highway …
Coyotes seen almost everyday ln Georgina
I have seen Coyotes, walking, prancing and running across fields near where I live.
I have also seen them digging in the snow for mice.
I have called …
Coyote in Ottawa
After making a delivery to a construction site at the Queensway - Carleton Hospital in Ottawa, Ontario, on Tuesday March 20th 2012, I saw a coyote cross …
Coyote in London, Ontario
On January 28, 2012 between 3:30 and 4:30 pm, I was hiking through the Westminster Ponds trails with my Transylvanian hound, Scout.
There were a few …
Coyotes in Sarnia
Two of our readers have seen Coyotes in Sarnia, Hellen says ..... I saw a Coyote chasing a rabbit on November 3rd 2012 in Canatra Park in Sarnia, Ontario. …
Three in a row... Not rated yet
I was taking photos of Chickadees at Starkey Hill (just outside of Guelph)at around 1:30 pm, December 23, 2012.
The trail was fairly busy with other …
Coyotes - Sighted in Toronto to Grey Highlands (Meaford, ON) Not rated yet
I've seen single Coyotes sneaking around the following Toronto locations and up in Grey County, Ontario:
1.) Humber River Trail - south of Lawrence …
Worried Small Dog Owner Not rated yet
Unfortunately we have a make shift pond in our backyard, not intentional but it is there.
This morning 15 December 2012, at 0830 we spotted a medium …
Coyote dismissed from school in Kitchener Not rated yet
I was walking home from school one day and I always used to take this one forest pathway. So I decided to take it to get somewhere, and I saw it.
There …
Coyote sighted near Lambeth, Ontario Not rated yet
Hello Readers - this is Barb, your webmistress here! Yesterday I spotted a lone Coyote on the east side of Westdel Bourne, just north of Highway 402 and …
Coyote in my open back yard Not rated yet
I saw a gray Coyote in the afternoon around 2:00 PM on 8 December, 2012.
I live in Unionville, Ontario, backing onto the natural ravine with a strip …
Dog walker in Windsor Not rated yet
At 9:00am this morning, December 8 2012, I spotted a pair in the woods about 25 metres from the main trail where I was walking.
I've seen Coyotes …
Dog walker Not rated yet
Today December 5, 2012 at approximately 8 am. I took my four dogs out for a run in the bush on Commissioners Road East (by Meadowlily) in London, Ontario, …
Coyotes in back yard Not rated yet
I live in Maple behind a natural sugar bush protected government land, woke up in the morning 2 Decembers ago and from a distance I saw what I thought …
Coyote Sighting in Bolton Not rated yet
I saw him this morning Wednesday November 28th about 7:30am and he was completely alone.
He was in a Green Belt area which my home backs onto. He was …
Bold Coyote Not rated yet
This Coyote was bold. I saw it in my backyard in London, about 6pm on a June day in 2011.
At first I thought it might be a Fox, but its long legs …
Coyote spotted in Barrie Not rated yet
Going to work on Tuesday November 20 2012 at 5:45 am on Bayview Drive in Barrie, Ontario, as I turned into the driveway at work, a Coyote was walking across …
Coyote in Milton Not rated yet
Sunday night, November 11 2012, around 9pm I was out in my front yard with my two dogs. My house is across from a ravine that is beside Highway 10 and …
Thames River in London Ontario Not rated yet
Hi,I was fishing on the Thames River at 4;30 pm, between Clarke Road and Fanshawe Park Conservation Area, London, Ontario, with my son, when we saw two …
A Glimpse in Thornhill Not rated yet
Through the darkness at 1 am, Exiting Highway 7 driving south on Centre Street just after the 407 crossover, I glimpsed a canine-like figure and shouted …
Two Coyotes spotted in two days Not rated yet
I live just outside Tillsonburg, Ontario.
We often hear the Coyotes at night, but never see them.
Yesterday morning while driving, I had …
Brazen coyote - Heart Lake, Brampton Not rated yet
My girlfriend and I have been taking our high-energy dogs to this park for over a year now, usually when the park is closed and there aren't any/many people …
Coyote on my street Not rated yet
Yesterday a Coyote walked casually down the middle of my street and then on to my sidewalk.
This is the second time he has been seen on the street. …
Quarter mile sighting out my back door Not rated yet
I own three Shepherds, we looked outside when our 2.5 yr old Belgian Shepherd was barking, she was running into the field that runs next to our yard.
Coyote in Hespeler, Cambridge Not rated yet
I was just out walking my dog, around 730 pm. We were on our way home, passing by the cemetery a few blocks from my house.
The cemetery backs onto …
Richmond Hill large Coyote sighting in broad daylight Not rated yet
October 16, 2012, at approximately 11:30 am, I was walking my dog and two small children in the park behind Pleasantville Public School, when the five …
Coyote Sighting Not rated yet
I usually take my little Jack Russel for a walk in and around the sports fields at the Powerade Centre (Kennedy South of Steeles) in Brampton.
Wednesday …
We've Got Coyotes! Not rated yet
A while back I posted the story Deer, Beaver and Other Animals in North/West Brampton .
Well, since that time we now have Coyotes down in the …
Guelph Coyote Not rated yet
Early morning spotted a Coyote in my Guelph backyard.
We back onto the Guelph Conservation Forest as seen from the Hanlon Expressway.
We have …
Looking at me in my driveway! Not rated yet
Very early this morning when it was still dark out, I clicked my remote on my car in the driveway leaving for work and when the lights came on there he …
Recent Coyote Sightings Not rated yet
Three of our readers sent us reports of their Coyote sightings
A Reader from Kincardine, Ontario, says ..... About 4pm one day in early September, I …
Coyote sighting Not rated yet
I have seen a Coyote by the hydro belt on Creditview Road and the bridge going over the Highway 403 (Mississauga, Ontario).
I have also seen them by …
Coyotes in Amherstburg Not rated yet
Over the last month or so, in the middle of the night and at dusk, there have been several Coyotes surrounding my property.
They are very loud and …
Ramara Township Coyotes Not rated yet
I work at a construction site as a sales rep. and I maintain the bit of lawn that surrounds the model home.
The other day while cutting the grass …
Windsor Coyote Not rated yet
We live in the middle of Windsor but there is a fairly large wooded area behind our home. Last year I saw a Coyote at a distance in the woods and it ran …
Coyote spotted in Strathroy Not rated yet
This morning, (August 13, 2012) at 8:45 am I saw a Coyote right on our front yard!
I live in a subdivision in a large residential area in Strathroy, …
Backyard Coyotes in Kitchener Not rated yet
My wife and I were sitting on our elevated deck on August 6 2012 about 9 pm when, out from the woods, two Coyotes appeared.
They were sniffing the …
Ottawa Coyotes Not rated yet
For the last three years I have been walking my German Shepherd dog daily at the field on Breadner Street and Uplands Drive in Ottawa, near the Ottawa …
Coyotes in Port Hope Not rated yet
My wife and I live in Port Hope near a town park with soccer fields and a trail system. We enjoy walking our dog along the trail in the evenings and early …
Coyotes far in the backyard Not rated yet
Tuesday July 24 2012, I was sitting in the backyard with the dogs right after dusk when I heard a loud screeching and whining sound, which made the dogs …
Coyotes at Degrassi Point Not rated yet
Last night at 2 am my two dogs were antsy so I took them out, thinking we were going to scare off Raccoons.
As I came around the corner of the cottage …
Coyote Questions Not rated yet
Sandra, one of our readers from Rockwood, Ontario, sent us her report ..... Coyote seen tonight at 9:45 pm from out back yard patio. We have two small …
Blenheim Coyote Not rated yet
It was about 10:30 pm on June 7 2012, I was looking out the front porch when I observed this white dog, I thought, run past my home.
I opened the door …
Train tracks at Wentworth Street at Wilson Road, Oshawa Not rated yet
I have twice seen Coyotes crossing on Wentworth Street by Wilson Road, by the train tracks. The first time was around midnight and there four pups …
To close in my back yard Not rated yet
I live in Caradoc Township in Southwestern Ontario and there are approximately 20 Coyotes that live in the bush close to our back yard.
Nightly …
London Coyotes Not rated yet
It was May 20th, around 4:50 am,that I heard energetic yipping and howling. I remember it from last year and this is the first time I've heard it this …
Thought they ate my Cat Not rated yet
I live out by Sherkston Shores and there are lots, and I mean lots, of Coyotes around here.
They have been very close, walking down our street with …
Coyote after cat Not rated yet
I have heard the Coyotes in my area - Waterloo West and have heard heard stories about Coyote sightings in my neighbourhood.
Last night, I awoke …
Coyotes on Mississauga Golf and Country Club Not rated yet
I've recently taken a part time job for the summer (I'm retired) at Mississauga Golf and Country Club... cutting fairways. The course is very mature, is …
Audible Howls - no sighting Not rated yet
May 15 2012 - 8:30 PM - Coyotes
Northumberland County Forest - Highway 45 and Woodland Rd East side
Return walk from a north trail several hundred …
Waterdown Coyotes Not rated yet
May 7, 2012, Walking my two 90 lb dogs at lunch time between King Road and Kerns Road in Waterdown, Ontario. I was approached by a Coyote which looked …
Coyote grabbed animal in Carlisle residential area Not rated yet
10:00a.m. I watched a large Coyote come out of the woods, grab a animal and jump back into the protective woods, while I watched from my kitchen window. …
Coyote sited in Hunt Club area of London Not rated yet
I spotted a single Coyote while jogging at dusk on a trail in west London.
The trail runs along the perimeter of a large field just north of the Hunt …
Coyotes? Not rated yet
I live in Kitchener, Ontario and I was in a forest in the general area of Blockline Road, where the new houses have been built.
This forest is known …
Coyotes in Aurora March 24, 2012 Not rated yet
My son heard the high pitched yips of Coyotes when he was out with our dog around 10:30pm.
He looked over and saw three Coyotes running down Jasper …
Darkness of night Not rated yet
Late last night (March 14, 2012), around 1:30am I was doing the usual; letting my small she-poo out for a bathroom break. Seeing as how I live in a condominium …
Large Coyote in Brampton Not rated yet
My house backs onto a ravine that is part of the Peel Village golf course. I have a small dog that likes to go out quite often.
We have seen Coyotes …
Jane Gateman RN Not rated yet
I was cross country skiing along Bass Lake Trail, at Big Cedar Estates, in Hawkestone, Ontario, where I live, this area is very close to Bass Lake.
Coyote Sightings Not rated yet
On December 23, 2011, I was coming home from work at 1:30 in the morning when I saw, what at first seemed to be, a large white shepherd-type dog on Ernest …
Getting Too Close Not rated yet
Saw two Coyotes in my yard around 6:30 in the morning.
I was outside doing work in the barn. I stepped outside of the barn for a second, and saw …
West Pickering Coyotes Not rated yet
Hi There, we live on about 2/3 of an acre, right beside a creek, in the west end of Pickering, Ontario, on Sheppard Ave.
We have seen Deer , Foxes …
Coyotes Not rated yet
We live rurally in "Upper" Milton.
We see fresh tracks daily in the snow in our garden and in the fields and road sides.
One Coyote came sauntering …
Estimated 5000 Coyotes in Prince Edward County Not rated yet
If you don't think there is a problem, tell the people who had small dogs and cats, there isn't a problem with these dam things.
And the cow that gives …
Coyote encounter at Dog Park in Mississauga Not rated yet
One of our readers sent us this report of his Coyote encounter at the Dog Park on highway 430 / Eglinton Ave, Mississauga
On early morning on Tuesday …
A pack of eight Not rated yet
Two weeks ago, I saw eight coyotes near Moose Creek, Ontario (about 70 km east of Ottawa).
They ran across the road in front of my car and into an …
Coyote in East Guelph Not rated yet
I was on my way home from working the afternoon shift and made a right turn from York Road onto Watson Parkway.
About 30 seconds later I had to slam …
Manitoulin Island Sighting of Coyote Not rated yet
On Sunday, January 29, 2012 my husband and I were taking a leisurely walk through trail 107CD outside of Kagawong, Ontario on Manitoulin Island.
We …
Coyotes in Ottawa, Ontario Not rated yet
January 27th 2012
This morning I saw a Coyote digging in a field along Terry Fox Road in Kanata's Glen Cairn community.
It was early morning, …
Burlington Coyote Not rated yet
Burlington Coyote - Just saw a Coyote today January 22, 2012, at Appleby and Upper Middle, walking through the plaza (McDonald's) at 9:30am!! I couldn't …
Why our front porch? Not rated yet
I live in Cambridge (Hespeler). On Sun January 22 /12, a young Coyote trotted up to our front porch while my brother was smoking a cigarette there.
Walking back to work Not rated yet
I was walking back to work after lunch when I saw a Coyote cut across a neighbour's back yard.
He was clearly injured because he wasn't walking on …
Coyote sighted in urban NE Waterloo Not rated yet
January 5, 2012, approx 3:00 pm, just coming off of the expressway at University Avenue on the outskirts of Bechtel Park and Parkside cemetery, N.E Waterloo, …
Saw two Coyotes this morning. Not rated yet
We live on 15 acres and occasionally see one at the edge of the property, however around 8:00 am January 18th 2012, I saw two.
One large grey Coyote …
Coyote pack in Ajax Not rated yet
January 15th 2012, I was just heading out at 9am for grocery shopping.
Stopped at the side of the road to let four Coyotes cross the road from one …
Coyote found in back of home Not rated yet
It was 8:45 p.m. I was closing the shades in my house and about 40 feet away I see a Coyote sitting there....... almost as if it were staring into my home. …
Coyote in South Middleton Ontario Not rated yet
During my Saturday afternoon walk through the bush with my dogs, behind our house - upon approaching the irrigation pond, I spotted a Coyote down the field. …
Coyote seen at Blair St Not rated yet
January 6 2012, East York
This is our second time seeing this Coyote in the Blair Street area.
It was one of the most beautiful, and at the same …
Feb 12, 25 07:00 AM
Feb 10, 25 08:00 AM
Feb 08, 25 10:00 AM