Coyotes / Wolves

by Karin Tomosky
(Milton, Ontario, Canada)

I live on a farm in Milton, Ontario, and have a pack of Coyotes who howl every night near my farmhouse. I think that they have found my compost and eat from it.

They are harmless and I do not fear them since I have 2 Great Pyrenees dogs who guard the house.

I also think that I have 3 Wolves in the back field. One is a beige colour and 2 are black.

I was walking my dog on a leash going into the field and a big black Wolf or Coyote was standing on the small hill at the beginning of the field.

My dog stood up on his hind legs and growled with his teeth bared and I had to pull him back.

The Wolf / Coyote approached slowly and we turned around and went back to the front field and the Wolf / Coyote stood and watched us.

He remained there for about 20 minutes.

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Esquesing Line Coyotes
by: Anonymous

I live just north of Steeles Ave on Esquesing Line we have a pack of coyotes always around our farm and they come right up to our back cow feild they seem to be pretty brazen and are often quite loud! Be aware!

Coyotes in Derry and Scott Area
by: Anonymous

This morning at 5:10 am, I was walking down Duncan Lane, and saw a Coyote by the pond near Whitmer. I thought it was German Shepherd, but no owner was in sight. It was sniffing the grass area at the top of the pond. It was staring me straight in my direction. I slowly turned and ran…as fast as I could back home. Be careful in this area in the early morning.

Coyotes in Derry and Scott Area
by: Anonymous

This morning at 5:10 am, I was walking down Duncan Lane, and saw a Coyote by the pond near Whitmer. I thought it was German Shepherd, but no owner was in sight. It was sniffing the grass area at the top of the pond. It was staring straight in my direction. I slowly turned and ran as fast as I could back home. Be careful in this area in the early morning.

by: Anonymous

I also saw a Coyote, white and grey on highway 25 and 401 beside the Go bus car pool. He was standing just looking around. It was strange because it is a busy area.

Coyotes in Milton
by: Anonymous

December 9, 2013, my husband looked out the window at 2:00 am and we saw two brown Coyotes, he pointed them out to me, by the ravine at the back of our house between Savoline and Tonelli. We have two dogs but the Coyotes walked on the sidewalk through the park and along the ravine at the back of our house. I had seen a black Coyote at Britainia and Highway 25 a week ago around 4:30 in the afternoon crossing Britainia. The Coyotes are getting closer and closer. This was the first time I actually saw them in our neighbourhood. I think pet owners and parents of young children should be more aware and know this information.

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