You are probably asking yourself "What is My Passion anyway?" and what has it to do with SBI?
Named SoloBuildIt, it is a company based here in Canada that hosts this website. The founder is an amazing man by the name of Ken Evoy. And our SBI story?
Our journey into cyberspace started in January 2007 when we saw an ad on the internet for SBI .....
When my hubby first saw the SBI ad, he thought there should be a website full of information about where we live in Southern Ontario, I thought it was a good idea too - I just didn’t know that he wanted ME to be the one writing it!
To me it looked very interesting as I could combine building this web-site and running a web-based business, with several of my interests - my love of this area of Ontario where I live, creative writing and photography - I didn't know that SBI would become my way of telling people about how much I love Southern Ontario - My Passion!
I had actually been looking for some work for me to do at home, because as a Home-schooling mother it would be so convenient to work from home, BUT, I was not interested in any get-rich-quick schemes.
I watched the Video for WAHM's (Work At Home Moms) and I was amazed at what I saw - there were women just like me, who also hadn't known what an html tag was, or what a Search Engine is, but I was so excited to find out that people just like me are building successful businesses and I can too!
There were people who had taken their passion for their hobbies, their knowledge, their interests, skills and crafts, and had built exciting websites around them.
Some had turned their love of selling items on-line into thriving Auction sites with SBI! - and had built on-line businesses for themselves!
All I can say is that if you have ever wondered how people can start, run and grow a business on the Internet, then I highly recommend that you watch the Site Build It! VideoTour - it's probably the best money I ever spent!
All you need is the courage to try something new, the desire to be successful, the ability to take the online-training, and a willingness to work - hey, I did mention that this is not a get-rich-quick scheme!
There is so much information available for you to check them out - click the link for the free
"Make Your Words Sell" e-book - yes its FREE!
What have you got to lose by checking it out? I have heard it said that we usually don't regret the things we do in life, but we often regret the things we didn't do!
As I watched several of the SBI videos and read as much about it as I could, I became excited about my Passion for Southern Ontario and I was reminded of a saying of my wise old Granny's
"The only thing you are guaranteed to achieve with very little effort is FAILURE!"
It may seem obvious, but those are wise words!
When I read the Case Studies of other people who had successfully followed the business-training, and built a web-based business, I was hooked! I knew that I could take my passion for the beautiful area of Southern Ontario and turn it into a website. The SBI Company offers all the support and encouragement that I could wish for, and a 100% Guarantee.
If you check out the site and you like what you see, you have nothing to lose and so much to gain!
Solo Build It! (SBI!) recently produced information in other languages - one of which is Dutch, so if you are visiting this site from the Netherlands, I invite you to check out Nederlanders SBI!
If you have ever thought that there might be a website in your future, check out the video above - it tells how Andalusian Horse breeders in southern Spain built their own site too!
Now, although my site is still fairly young, it is already matching up with the 'BIG' websites out there.
Check this out:
As of summer 2022, this website has a DAILY average of around 1,600 to 1,900 unique visitors per day! - That's Amazing - that's close to 50,000 visitors to my website EACH MONTH!
Moreover, Google has begun to give a number of my pages fairly high search engine rankings!
I also have some good rankings at Yahoo, Ask and Windows Live.
But Google is the BIG GUY, and if you are in the Top 30 ranking of Google, your site is well respected - and my site is getting there!
It is getting many top 10 rankings already, and for example purposes,
Why not go to right now and search for the keywords of some of my pages:
........ you will likely see this website [] on the FIRST page! Yes, our site is often in the TOP 10 of over millions of pages!
Why don't you try it, read about my passion and go to now and see! Go ahead! I'll wait right here :-)
What is so exciting with the SBI! system, is that you can build a website that ranks so amazingly well against professionally built sites!
Why not Bookmark this page and check back often - you can watch my stats go up!
As you may be able to tell by now, I truly enjoy what I do. I am blessed to have a wonderful family, work that I love, as well as a home-based on-line business that allows me to tell others about my passion for this beautiful part of Canada where I live.
My wish for you is that you too, may joyfully seek out and follow what it is that you are truly passionate about in your life, and I wish you success in building your life in a way that makes it possible for you to pursue your passion, and that you are able to share your unique gifts with others along the way.
Whether you are retired, a stay at home parent, a corporate executive, or if you have ever toyed with the idea of building a website, but just didn't know how or where to start – your opportunity is right in front of you.
It is never too late for you to begin experiencing the rewards of pursuing your greatest ambition.
Someone very wise once told me that
opportunities are not given to us
we have to take them.
So again, many thanks to Ken Evoy, and the other folks at the great interactive forums - which, incidentally, are a great resource for all SBI-ers.
Not only did they provided me a great product that allowed me to share my passion with the world, and make money, they provided me with a great fund of knowledge.
Thank you Solo Build It!
If you are interested to find out exactly how I am making money from the site now, let me know by using our Contact Me form - just tell me "I want to build a site around my passion".
Webmistress, Publisher and Author of
P.S. please don't hesitate to contact me if you need help.
Feb 12, 25 07:00 AM
Feb 10, 25 08:00 AM