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Can someone identify this Hawk?
This beautiful bird has been hanging around Osgoode in downtown Toronto this past week, right outside where the 'smokers' take their break.
It is …
Identification needed for two birds
I'm not sure what this bird was that I saw this afternoon but I think it may have been a falcon.
It hopped up from my neighbour's yard onto …
What is this?
Came out of our driveway and it was sitting in a tree.
We live in Powassan, Ontario - just south of North Bay.
It was 10:30 in the morning. …
Raptor IDs please past year or two...
The first one was on the Bruce Trail of the Hamilton Escarpment. Some type of hawk species?
Second was on the Bruce Trail towards Balls Falls. Coopers …
I Do Not Know What Soars By On Migration!
I live in Ajax, Ontairo, 21 years now in the same spot! Next door to the Ajax Hospital, this is relevant to the wildlife I see here and all year long! …
Birds of prey I can't recongize.
I am an avid cycler and love the trails we have in this great city we call Toronto and I consider myself very lucky at the amount of wildlife I have observed …
My Neighbourhood Squirrel Chaser
It was early afternoon in my neighborhood in downtown Toronto, I had noticed something chasing Squirrels on the ground.
As I got nearer I noticed a …
Mystery Raptor at RBG
This past Labor Day we were walking around the Hamilton RBG Arboretum when I spotted this wonderful bird land on top of a tree not too far from me.
Please identity this type of bird
While driving north down Clarke Side Road in London, Ontario, we noticed a very large nest on the top of a utility pole.
A few days later I was able …
Hawk ID
I am trying to ID a large Hawk that has a dark grey or black under body, head and neck, it's wings are lighter at the edges and finger feathered at the …
Applewood Mississauga Bird of Prey
I have seen this very large bird a couple of times in recent days (April 21 2014).
It is over two feet tall and its wing span is enormous!!
We …
Please help identify
21 April, 2014 approx. 7 - 7:30 pm I saw a dark slate grey bird of prey with a catch of a black bird such as a Starling or Grackle or possibly a mammal …
Joan Turner Not rated yet
Saw this big bird of prey this a.m Sunday 10:00 am. Downtown Toronto, Alexander Street between Yonge and Church.
Our co-op and Greenrock apartments …
Hawk on Railing Not rated yet
We opened the door to the front porch and there it was standing on the railing.
There was a dead squirrel close by.
He was not at all frightened …
Southern Ontario Hawks Not rated yet
Debbie Fuller wrote to say ... I have hawks around my property all the time but, this morning at 11:00 am. I saw a totally grey large hawk sitting in a …
I saw Not rated yet
I saw what looked to me like a Vulture, looking at the pictures on this site, it looked very close to the Turkey Vulture, but its neck seemed to be a little …
Raptors Not rated yet
Was working in Edwards Gardens near the Bridle Path today July 11, 2014.
Caught a glimpse in the corner of my eye and I see a raptor in a big tree. …
Bird of Prey in North Oshawa! Not rated yet
A friend and I were driving east on Conlin Road just past Harmony Road in Oshawa, Ontario, and a massive dark bird flew out from the left side of the road. …
Turkey Vultures in LaSalle Ontario Not rated yet
I was just out with my Bearded Dragon and saw a couple of Turkey Vultures above us.
When the Dragon saw them he was in defense mode and it seemed like …
Backyard Hawk in Toronto Not rated yet
This spring we notice a large hawk nest in the backyard.
Here are a few photos we just took today.
Mystery Raptor Not rated yet
Spotted on UWO (University of Western Ontario) Campus at the baseball field near the Family Medicine building 2014/04/24 08:45.
One flew over and landed …
Two Turkey Vultures Not rated yet
Two Turkey Vultures landed on my deck overlooking a wooded ravine/creek in Nepean (Ottawa) April 20/2014 at around 9 AM.
Thanks Valerie, for sending …
Assorted Hawks Not rated yet
Tom in Ottawa says ... I observed two Turkey Vultures in downtown Ottawa March 24/14 around 5:30 pm. They were strutting around on an overhang of an adjoining …
Mystery Hawk, Cooper's Hawk & Osprey Not rated yet
A reader from St Catharines wrote to us in March and said ... There's been a big Cooper's Hawk in my backyard. We have a bird feeder, so most times we …
Male Merlin, Red Tailed Hawk and Bald Eagles Not rated yet
While getting the BBQ ready on March 10th at 6:00 pm, a male Merlin landed on my neighbour's roof, spun and flew not 5 feet over my head!
It was approximately …
Backyard Snacker Not rated yet
Just this afternoon (February 9 2014) we had a Hawk using our backyard as his ( or her) own picnic ground.
He was digging into a Mourning Dove quite …
Returning Hawks Not rated yet
I had in the past a nest of pigeons in my window box and on several occasion a Hawk has come and taken the young.
The other day I heard the screech …
Amherst Island Not rated yet
I lived on Amherst Island for 18 years, my backyard was a stopping spot for many birds including a Northern Shrike pair, a pair of Bluebirds, Harriers, …
Hawk in the back yard Not rated yet
Peering through my bedroom window, Saturday January 18th at three pm in the afternoon.
The hawk was in the middle of the yard, below the apple tree. …
Feb 12, 25 07:00 AM
Feb 10, 25 08:00 AM
Feb 08, 25 10:00 AM