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Five beautiful birds soaring
Hi, I saw at least five beautiful birds peacefully soaring over my apartment building in north Peterborough. I couldn't identify them.
They flew …
Wonderful Surprise Visitor!
I live in a small condo complex where the buildings are built around the block so as to create an interior open grassy square, with several middle-aged …
Large raptor at Victoria Park
I wasn't able to clearly identify the specific bird, but it appeared to be much larger than a hawk, was light coloured and had speckled chest.
It landed …
awesome big bird soaring
Around 9:15 - 9:30 on the morning of Wednesday June 12, I was driving westbound along Bloor Street. I was stopped at a red light at Sherbourne Street, …
Scared for my dog
I have seen a large bird circling around our backyards twice this week.
Today at 5:30, the bird suddenly dove very quickly towards my 12 pound dog. …
White Bird of Prey
I was driving to my brother in law's house in Barrie, Ontario. As we approached his house, which borders a large tract of forest, I noticed a white bird …
Nesting Raptors
In the center of London, Ontario, in a tree in the yard that backs on to mine, two raptors are building a nest in a large tree.
I live on Gladstone …
Multiple large birds of prey in Kingston
We've been lucky enough to see several large birds in and near Kingston, Ontario, over the winter, including a Bald Eagle soaring low over the highway …
It's either an Eagle or a Hawk
We were out playing in the snow on Saturday, February 9, 2013 in Dentonia park, behind the Crescent Town buildings, near Victoria Park and Danforth Ave. …
Applewood birds
I live in Applewood in Mississauga, Ontario, surrounded by many large trees and have recently seen some large birds that I assume are birds of prey. …
Not sure what type but it was impressive
Hello, I have been searching the Internet looking for a good source of Ontario birds of prey pictures.
I happened upon your site and am excited for …
Small bird of prey in the school ground
Hi. When most of the children left the school ground (in Ottawa, Ontario) and only a handful remained to play, we saw a small bird of prey fly, sit on …
Bird sighting at West Lions Park
While watching my brother's baseball practice yesterday, a large bird, definitely a raptor of some sort, flew over the park.
It was a fairly heavy …
Two Hawks maybe three
We have had two Hawks show up early morning (6:00 a.m) and early evening daily for about two weeks.
We live in Stratford, Ontario and are located very …
What is this Raptor?
I was in my backyard about 4pm and I seen this bird-raptor soaring through the sky.
I grabbed my cheap binoculars, and took a look at this bird-raptor. …
What was it?
I live in Central Etobicoke, Ontario, in a home that backs onto a small park which is used for baseball and soccer, with only a few trees.
This morning …
What did I see?
Good Morning!
As I was sitting here having my coffee and watching the snow fluttering down in my back yard, I noticed a large bird sitting on the …
Peregrine or other Falcon?
Hello, I noticed a pair of Falcons nesting in a large pine tree in a park behind my house.
I have attached some pictures.
Can someone ID the type? …
Scared the Bejesus out of me
I was driving down Fox Point Rd up in Muskoka / Lake-of-Bays area around 5:30 pm, when I saw movement to my right. Out of the ditch came this HUGE bird …
Lost and Found at University of Windsor Not rated yet
Hercules was born under the Ambassador Bridge in Windsor, Ontario.
On one of his maiden flights, he got too far west. Out of energy and away from mom …
Locking Talons in Freefall Not rated yet
20th February 2013 - Three large birds, could be Hawks, soaring above my house in the area of Manor Road and Yonge Street.
Around lunch time, two of …
Peregrine Falcon Not rated yet
January 29th 2013, Dundas, Ontario, at about 4pm I saw a Peregrine Falcon eating something, a mouse maybe, on top of my fence.
Very cool!!
Possible goshawk? Not rated yet
Lately we've had a Hawk of some kind scoping out our backyard for prey.
It almost got one today (either a squirrel or a sparrow).
I looked in my …
Two Raptor sightings in Southern Ontario Not rated yet
Hi there, I had a Coopers Hawk yet again in my backyard here in Toronto, this past Friday. It soon made a quick meal out of another bird that was at my …
What kind of bird? Not rated yet
The pictures are upside down for some reason.
Ajax, Ontario, November 17, 2012
Small forested area near Audley Road and Bayly street, at 3:00 pm …
Waiting for his supper Not rated yet
There are no other birds in our garden when "Coop" is around looking for supper.
Woodpecker, Eagle, and A Hawk Not rated yet
This has been a great month, seeing some neat birds from my living room.
I live near the Rouge Valley, just off of Sheppard Avenue, Scarborough, Ontario. …
Hawk eating dinner 4 feet away Not rated yet
What a sight! It was on Friday September 21, 2012 at around 7pm.
We were gardening at the Leslie Spit allotment gardens when we sighted this Hawk eating …
Dinner time in the backyard - August 29, 2012 Not rated yet
We had just finished eating an early supper on our back porch, when my husband noticed a movement in the large trees at the back of our yard.
Although …
Hawks and Turkey Vultures in Rexdale! Not rated yet
Birds I View. I bought my 1st Ornithology book 2 years ago and was intrigued while at a bar and a stranger walked up to me and asked if I know the name …
Broad Winged Hawk in Orleans Not rated yet
This majestic hawk perched in the tree in front of our home, while robins, sparrows, chickadees, and finches screeched and swooped in order to discourage …
Turkey Vulture Not rated yet
Enjoying the Thermals over Georgetown.
Thanks Marinus, for another great picture!
Florida pale Red-shouldered Hawk? Not rated yet
This morning in Brampton we spotted a Hawk and got a good look at its pale, un-streaked breast.
It had a pale, barred tail and a pale head.
All …
Large raptor east of Lakeside, Ontario Not rated yet
Just east of Lakeside, on our way to London, we had to slow the car right down to allow a large raptor to take off northward from where it had perched …
Hawk and Moon Not rated yet
One of our readers, Marinus from Georgetown, Ontario, sent us this picture he made ..... the moon from a photograph he took over Georgetown, and the Hawk …
Looking for dinner. Not rated yet
Spotted this beautiful hawk, today, in Georgetown, Ontario.
Beautiful, Marinus, beautiful!
Strange bird? Not rated yet
January 26th 2012 at noon in St. George, Ontario.
I was outside and saw the strangest bird.
I was probably 200 feet away but I saw 15 - 20 birds …
Feb 10, 25 08:00 AM
Feb 08, 25 10:00 AM
Feb 07, 25 09:00 AM