Wolves on Ottawa Aviation Parkway

by Anonymous
(Ottawa area)

My wife I and drive down the Ottawa Aviation Parkway every morning from Orleans.

Last Tuesday, November 27th, at about 8 a.m. we were headed East towards downtown. Just about half a kilometer from the airport on the side of the river we spotted a Wolf standing and looking in our direction near the beginning of the woods.

I was driving and also saw it very clearly. As my wife turned her head to talk to me she saw another wolf across the parkway just under the cliffs from where CFB Rockliffe used to be.

It seems his other Wolf buddy, the first one we saw, was waiting for him to cross over to the river side of the parkway. They were definitely not Coyotes. Way too big, mean lookin' and with a plush brownish and greyish fur.

There was a cyclist not far away and plenty of traffic. We reported it to the police but they said they would not go there unless someone was in danger. I wouldn't want to have been walking a dog around there at that time.

I've seen Deer in that area of the Aviaton Parkway, Foxes, and sometimes Wild Turkeys, but never Wolves that close to the suburbs. And I know the difference between a Coyote and a Wolf, I've seen plenty of them out in Alberta.

Hope they're not wandering around the old Rockliffe military base which is now closed.


Thank you for sending this to us, I hope you don't mind, but rather than putting this as a comment after a posting, I wanted to publish this where more people would see it - thank you for sending this in to us!

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Wolf on Aviation Parkway
by: Anonymous

Drove down Aviation today and seeing him laying down watching the traffic. Did not look scared and looked very relaxed. I couldn’t stop but I did wonder if I should call Wildlife but I see people are aware of him or them.

Wolves in Ottawa Aviation Parkway
by: Anonymous

I always see Wolves on Aviation Parkway on my way back home at like 2:30 am, its white and grey.

Also saw wolf/ wolves on Ottawa Aviation Parkway
by: Susan

I drive along the parkway every morning and evening on my way to and from work. I have seen what I believe to be a wolf twice in the area near Green's Creek. It's quite dark in colour (whitish underneath), and fluiffier than I would have thought. Pretty scary to think of all the people who walk their dogs, and bike along there!

I just spotted a Wolf today Apr 5
by: Anonymous

I was also driving on Aviation Parkway this morning and spotted a big Wolf, it crossed from the side of the river towards the residential area. I just hope no one gets hurt. I was not sure in calling the cops and letting them know but after reading this article, looks like they must be aware of the situation.

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