Baby Owls

(Shelburne and Alliston area)

Young Great Horned Owl

Young Great Horned Owl

Here is the update from one of our readers who saw young Great Horned Owls - Here are a couple of pictures of Great Horned Owl babies, and a couple of not so great pics of what we are very certain were Golden Eagles.

We live between Shelburne and Alliston and the Owl's nest was in our back bush, last winter.

We went out every couple of weeks to take new pictures, but unfortunately the tree where this old hawks nest was located, was rotten.

After a relentless week of heavy rains, snow and more rain, the birds had grown and the branch finally collapsed.

We were so worried so we checked the nest on the ground and there were no babies to be found. We again consulted with a person we know who knows a great deal about birds, and they told us that when this happens, the adult will take the babies deep into the bush, under cover and protect them for the 4-6 more weeks they would need to fully develop.

We are so grateful to have witnessed what we did.

Of course we can't be 100 per cent sure that the other birds we saw were Eagles, but bird people we spoke too were not surprised and said that they migrate through the area.

I will try to get better pictures and hopefully get 100% confirmation.

I just would like to say thanks for creating a site where enthusiasts can share experiences and learn from each other, about the local area. As this site develops it will become an excellent resource.

Thank you so much for your kind words about our website - I'm just a Grandma who thinks that Southern Ontario has much to see and do, and with this website, I can tell the world about the interesting things there are here!

Thank you too for the pictures, the one of the Owl baby is charming!

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by: Anonymous

I checked out your pics. WOW amazing! Unfortunately for me these guys were so far, by the time I got my camera, pics were taken on full telephoto 75/300mm, hand held, used manual focus as they were too far for auto.

I just wanted to be able to pick up any markings. I can't crop any more it becomes too pixeled.
I hope you get some more pics would love to see them.

Both Posts are great
by: Lisa Birtch

Could you let us know where you are?

I have posted a couple of pictures of a juvenile Bald Eagle I saw last week - maybe you could look at them and see if he looks like the bird you saw - it's hard to tell from your photos (I looked at the other set too, but I can't zoom in on it to get a better look!)

Just look for the post that says "Juvenile Bald Eagle
" then "I went for a bike ride" and you should be able to see it!

Keep looking - now is the time to see them before the leaves are back on the trees!

I put a link directly to your page about the juvenile Bald Eagle, Lisa - I'm sure there will be many readers who will want to read about that sighting!

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