
by Anne
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)



I found this fellow sitting in our backyard oak tree. He sat there for about five minutes and then flew away. Apparently Sparrowhawks are not that common here in Southern Ontario.

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Not a sparrow hawk
by: Anonymous

Sparrow hawks are from the UK, they do not live in Canada. This is a Cooper’s hawk

Sparrow Hawks
by: G-3 Anonymous

Wow... As I watched a sparrow hawk give chase to a speedy sparrow I almost fell off my balcony. The speed and agility of this special bird rivals Tom Cruise in Top Gun. Westmount, Quebec, Canada.

Maybe not a Sparrow Hawk
by: Ken

More likely a Cooper's hawk.

Windsor Ontario 2020
by: Anonymous

I had this hawk come to my garden twice now. Here is larger than a dove but what a beautiful bird. I feed the birds and he comes here to hunt.

Sparrow Hawks
by: Ken B.nonymous

I have a pair of sparrow hawks living in a tree in my back yard. They are very nice birds. They do catch a lot of mice and it’s interesting to watch them exchange a mouse from one bird to the other. I live just outside Peterborough, Ontario, Canada.

Not Sure
by: Glenn

That bird looks like a Coopers Hawk not a Sparrow Hawk. It is lacking the distinct black stripes on the cheek below the eyes. A Sparrow Hawk is about the size of a Dove. That looks larger.

by: Anonymous

Beautiful, surprised to see it in my backyard in Montreal.

by: Anonymous

Saw a Sparrowhawk sitting on my patio fence at around noon 10/21/2017 in Brampton, Ontario. Had never seen one before and had to do a search to identify what I had seen. Beautiful bird and larger than I would have thought.

Young Sparrow Hawk
by: Robena Tyndall

Young Sparrow Hawk hit our windows this afternoon. Thankfully it was only stunned and after resting in a bush, flew away.

Recent Company
by: Shelly

Shelly sent us this in the summer of 2017

I have been hearing a lot of squeaking that often sound like there was a feeding going on when I have been in the garden. I have 25 acres so this is a ways away. I saw 1 then 2 then 3 birds taking off from that area One hovered over my head like I was going to be dinner. That's when I realized it was a Sparrow Hawk. I went in the house after it flew off and grabbed binoculars so I wouldn't intrude. That's when I realized they had at least 1 baby that was learning to fly. Not as fleet of wing as the parents, it made me chuckle to see it bobbing on the branch the wind was blowing - trying to stay secure. Then they all flew here and there with 1 back at the tree I first saw them at. Not sure if that is the baby and parents off hunting - my picture is from far away so not good enough to include the photo.

Sparrow Hawk
by: Robena Tyndall

There is a Sparrow Hawk that frequents my back garden in Mid-western Ontario. We live on a high bank above a river.

Spring visitor
by: Anonymous

I just watch a beautiful Sparrow Hawk capture a poor unfortunate Sparrow picking through the pile of cast off seeds and shells under my winter feeder. Low approach using bright sun and trees for surprise attack.

First Sparrowhawk that I've ever seen.
by: Richard

I think I just had a sparrowhawk sitting on the telephone pole in my back yard. Not sure if it was a sparrowhawk, but my father says it might have been. It flew so easily, like it took no effort whatsoever to get airborne. I didn't have time to grab a picture because it was only on the pole for about 10 seconds before it flew away. Gorgeous bird.

Sparrowhawk in Downtown Toronto
by: Anonymous

On February 8, 2013, we had a visit from our local Sparrowhawk, near Queen and Broadview in downtown Toronto. It was sitting on a branch in our snow filled garden, feasting on a sparrow. Our neighbour feeds the birds year round and so provides lots of opportunity for the hawks next meal.

More common than thought
by: J B Redmond

In the Beamsville to Niagara Falls area Sparrowhawks are very common.

We have two here at my home in Beamsville that attack sparrows and even Blue Jays at my bird feeder.

Our friend in Ridgeway, Ontario, has the same at their bird feeder.

by: Carolyn

Good picture

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