Snowy Owl Sightings

by Heather, George, Marianne, John, Patti
(Puslinch, Chatham, Stratford, St Catharines, Horseshoe Valley, Grimsby)

Snowy Owl on a tree

Snowy Owl on a tree

Patti from Grimsby, Ontario, wrote to say ..... This morning a beautiful large totally white Owl flew over my head as it passed over our house in Grimsby, Ontario. It was just dawn and 1/2 light was beginning. My cat was outside with me and ran under the bushes! It looked right at me as it flew over and its wings sounded magical as he slowly flapped them and soared over us. Lovely! I have never seen an Owl in the wild before.

John B reported his Snowy Owl sighting in Horseshoe Valley, Ontario ..... Witnessed what I think was a female Snowy with a black squirrel in tow. It was mid afternoon and that Owl was very large and had a lot of lower body feather coverage. Above were 4 circling birds that appeared interested in the activity....

Heather from Puslinch, Ontario, wrote to us and said ..... I saw what I thought was a juvenile Red Tailed hawk, but as this large, lightly coloured bird settled on an old light post, I realized that it was a big male Snowy Owl! This was at the corner of Hwy 6 and Hwy 5 by the 403. Beautiful!

Marianne from Stratford, Ontario, says ..... I saw an almost pure white Snowy Owl on Wednesday February 19th on top of a hydro pole, when I was travelling between Stratford and Clinton on highway 8. I think it was between Mitchell and Seaforth. Very cool!

A reader wrote to say ..... We were driving by the new hospital in St. Catharines, and there was a big female snowy owl sitting on a big wood post. We got tons of pics! So cool :)

George from Chatham wrote to tell us ..... We live in Chatham, Ontario. We were going to Wallaceburg on no. 40 highway and spotted a Snowy Owl on a telephone pole. This was on February 2, 2014.

Thank you all for sending us your reports of recent Snowy Owl sightings - I don't know if it was because of the cold weather we have experienced this winter, but we have had many reports of Snowy Owls this year ..... perhaps more of them came south for the winter because the conditions were ideal for them .....

You can see more reports of Snowy Owl, and other animal sightings in Southern Ontario on our Facebook page Discover Southern Ontario!

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by: Anonymous

Please include dates in your sightings

Snowy Owls & Lemmings
by: Joey

Hi, I have photographed several Snowy Owls this year and researched why there were so many. It is because the lemming population, their preferred meal, was very large this year. That drew them down throughout Eastern Canada and into the United States. Lets hope the lemming population continues to reproduce at a rapid pace so we can see the Snowy Owls again next year. The Owls will slowly be migrating back to the arctic now, where they will stay for the remainder of the year.

Thank you so much, Joey, for the heads-up about the Snowy Owls - until this year we hadn't had any reports of sightings, and this winter we have had several.

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