Raccoons and Robins
by Rara
(Oshawa, Ontario, Canada)
Baby Robin in a nest
This summer a Robin made a nest underneath our deck. The first batch of 2 baby robins left the nest and I think they're safe and sound.
The mother robin laid another batch of eggs, and this time, I watched them from the beginning until they hatched, and the Robins started to feed them. It was such a beautiful life miracle, to be seeing it right in front of my eyes.
One day I woke up at 5:00am to the sound of very distraught robins, I ran downstairs to check what happened, and to my uttermost horror, a raccoon was perched on the deck right next to the babies.
I cried to my husband for help, and by this time, I was bawling my eyes, because I knew he probably got to all 4 baby robins. The parents were devastated!
My husband managed to shoo the raccoon away, but it was a tragedy for us that morning. After a couple of minutes the robins returned to the nest. It turns out that there is still one baby who survived. Later on that day, the raccoon kept coming back, because I think he knew there is something still up there.
We decided that it's best for the baby to take him inside for the weekend until we can find someone willing to take care of it. Because we knew that it's fate would be the raccoon once we took him outside.
Over the weekend we took care of him, and Monday we called everywhere and no one is willing to take him. They all said to take him outside and his parents will care for him. But the raccoon is roaming our backyard. So finally, we found a place in Midland the Wildlife center, they said they'll take care of him until they can release him in our area, we live in Oshawa, it's 2.5 hours away.
We drove all the way there. The robin is doing great now and due to be released next week in our area. I wonder if his parents will recognize him.
Now i know some people would tell me that I should have let nature take its course, but I just couldn't stand leaving him out there for the raccoon. I made the right choice.
Bless you for taking care of one of Mother Nature's defenseless little creatures!