Wolves in Monaghan Forest

by A Reader
(Ottawa, Ontario, Canada)

Friends were walking their dogs around 1 p.m. on walking trails in the Monaghan Forest between Old Richmond Road and Moodie Drive, when what they believe was a Wolf attacked their dog.

Once it saw them and the other dogs it ran back into the woods, leaving the dog with a big puncture wound.

We live just in front of the forest and we see and hear many Coyotes, but this was apparently much bigger with a thick chest.

The other night there was a pack of "dogs" in the field and the biggest one (I thought it was a Wolf my husband didn't think there were Wolves around here) followed us on our 4 wheeler almost as if it was stalking us.

It gave up after a while and our dog didn't even notice them.

We have noticed a lack of deer around here this summer.

I will not be walking those trails by myself anymore and if you are walking in the woods in the Fallowfield, Moodie area just be careful.

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I saw one a couple of weeks ago in the same area
by: Anonymous

I was driving southbound on the 416, a couple of Kms North of Hunt Club Rd and thought I saw a big dog just on the edge of the forest - Lost dog? Weird because there aren't any homes nearby. Hum... then it turned and I knew it was a wolf. It had medium to long, very thick, straight fur. Colour: Sandy with grey and some black. It had short pointy ears and smallish eyes. Then it just took off back into the woods.

How long ago was that?
by: Anonymous

How long ago was the attack?

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