Wolves in London, Ontario

by David, Tanya, Anon
(London, Ontario, Canada )

We often get reports of Coyote, Wolf or Coywolf sightings, but this was a little unusual. In the space of a week we received three Wolf sightings from people in or just outside of, the north west corner of London Ontario. The first was from Wedway Creek north of Sunningdale Road, another saw one on a path close to Fanshawe Park Road near Wonderland Road North, and yet another reader spotted a similar animal in Hyde Park. If you take a look at the map, you will see how close these places are to each other.

David Kelly spotted a large wolf on Saturday January 17, 2015, he says ... it was heading north up the middle of the frozen Medway Creek mid-afternoon. Spotted a freshly killed and partially eaten deer on the creek at the Sunningdale Golf course area. It add been dragged approximately 12' to 15' feet across the snow, over the creek, and there were only what looked like dog tracks around the area. There were no other foot prints, boots marks or cross-country ski tracks. I continued north up the creek approximately another 1 Km and climbed up the creek bank to view the ridge to the north and heard loud cracking of brush and spotted a large Wolf running away from me. It ran away at what I would consider full speed and made a lot of noise as it ran through the brush; nothing seemed to slow it down. It was multi-coloured brown, dark with some white. When I found this site, the pictures shown looked like the animal I saw.

Tanya from London also wrote to say ... Wolf sighting North West London?. I was walking near dusk on a path next to the water near the Fanshawe Road overpass near Wonderland Road in London when I came upon what I thought was a large Coyote on the path. I was surprised by his size, as other Coyotes I've seen have been much smaller than this animal. It was large, but very thin. He stared at me and I stood perfectly still watching for what he would do. My heart was pounding and I was trying to remember what the right response would be if he came towards me. I decided staying put was my best option. After about 20 seconds (it felt longer), the animal broke it's gaze and ran into the woods. When I came home and described it to my husband, he said he thought it might have been a Wolf. We looked at some pictures online, and I have to agree, although I am surprised as I didn't think we had wolves in the area. I'm very glad for the experience, but a bit nervous to travel that path again on my own.

Another reader from London, also wrote to tell us of their sighting of a Wolf in Hyde Park ... A huge Wolf ran in front of my car on the service road by Kidscape, just west of the Walmart on Hyde Park Road. Headed for the woods.

Well, there you have it. What do you think?

Three reports in one week, all describing an animal that looks very Wolf-like.

I'm thinking this was likely a Coywolf (Coyote - Wolf hybrid) as we know that Coyotes in Southern Ontario often have Wolf genes, so what was spotted here is likely a large individual with the behaviour of a Coyote (comfortable in human occupied areas), and yet it looked like a Wolf.

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Wolf on Western Road
by: Anonymous

I just saw a wolf on the north end of Western Rd just after midnight. It ran in front of my vehicle and it was definitely not a coyote.
I see coyotes often and know the difference.
This was near the river between Windermere and Richmond.

Hunter and hunted
by: Anonymous

I am a outdoorsman living between London and Woodstock and yes there are coyote and wolves living close to us, have been for several years. I've seen both along the Thames river from Adelaide to Clark all the way to the airport to Woodstock. So to believe that it's only coyote would be foolish. Gray wolves are coming back. 2021 was a major human shutdown and animals took back their world...

Coyote and Wolf seen in North West London
by: J MacIntyre

Mid September 2019 8:20 am a Coyote ran through the small playground just down the road from North Routledge - by Hyde Park and Fanshawe. Then today November 5 2019 I saw a Wolf run through the same area. Both headed towards the bush behind Canadian Tire at Hyde Park and Fanshawe Park Road. The Coyote looked healthy. The Wolf was tall and lean. It’s scary because both times they ran right past a school bus stop while children are waiting for their bus.

Wolves Coronation at Gainsborough
by: Anonymous

I just saw two wolves at the corner of Coronation at Gainsborough at 1130pm. There is a field on this corner ... they were wandering in the field.

Wolf sighting West London
by: Lyn Oncz

Wolf near West London - This morning approximately halfway from London to Komoka around Kilworth on Oxford Street West. I was heading to work around 4:45 in the morning I was super early and almost to my work so I slowed, as there was no need to rush. If I hadn't slowed I would have hit the beautiful white wolf that suddenly walked casually in front of my car. The animal paid no mind to me as they sauntered across the road. First thought that was weird second thought. How beautiful. Third thought thankfully I had slowed a bit. And my final thoughts were don't they come in packs? Anyways, that was awesome, my husky looked just like the wolf except smaller. Nature is fascinating!

by: Anonymous

We live in Hyde Park area and have the forest behind our home (behind Canadian Tire). Beware folks, definitely wolves in this area, not coyotes, way too large to be a coyote. We watched as 2 large greyish wolves attempted to go towards our neighbour's fence where his dog was barking. Thankfully my husband scared them away. Please do not leave your pets unattended!!! These were not coyotes, nor was it our first sighting. Now I know the blood curdling squeal we heard last summer was probably a deer being killed as we suspected. We have recently seen a lot of deer activity as well, which may explain the predators. Please be aware.

Coyote on Second Street
by: Anonymous

There are coyotes that roam the tracks on Second Street. They cross every night and morning. I see them up by the old Mental Hospital on Highbury Avenue too. Some of the coyotes do get fairly large in this area, or at least they appear large with their winter coats. It is partly contributed to the fact that many coyote are carrying wolf genes. The wolves made a ditch effort to maintain and began to breed with coyote as they were further displaced. If you spend anytime in Algonquin, where wolves still have a solid stronghold, then you will very quickly be able to distinguish coyote from their much larger cousins.

Wolf London Ontario
by: Anonymous

For the last year there has been a large Wolf hanging around Second St at Dundas on the front lawn of Shoppers and near the tracks. October 2nd 2018 - it ran out in front of me late at night.

Sunningdale and Medway Creek
by: Anonymous

A large Coyote killed and devoured a gopher in my yard just above Medway Creek walking path by Franklin Way. September 6, 2018 at noon.

August 8 2018 1930hrs
by: Anonymous

Coywolf was spotted in a green space by Avalon and Clarke Road behind the houses on Beatrice Street. It ran off towards the rail road tracks behind Avalon.

Wolf sighting March 28, 2018
by: Nat Reed

On the way home from Tillsonburg just west of Aylmer, what I believe to be a wolf ran right in front of our car. At first I thought it was a coyote, but in retrospect feel it was too large and must have been either a grey wolf or eastern wolf. It moved at an unbelievably fast speed toward a wooded area on the north side of the road.

London 401 Wolf sighting
by: Kathy Cox - Barrie, On

I was driving on the hwy 401 East last Friday night 7 pm from 10 / 20 km past London when a wolf ran in front of my car, stopped and ran again towards the center concrete wall. I would've hit him if he had stayed still for 2 more seconds, I'm sure. Hubby and I both know it was a wolf and not a coyote because his large size and small ears were the first thing we noticed. He was absolutely beautiful and it was pitchighway after a whack of traffic, most being trucks. We were very far behind and there were no other vehicles near us, the rest were quite far back from us and even though I kept watching in review, I didn't notice one car on my side, or west side (in case he jumped the wall, I don't even know if they can) swerve in any way. I'm so happy I didn't hit him in my Corolla because we're such animal lovers, it would've broke our hearts.

Thank you for sending this ... I wonder whether the next sighting (near Aylmer) is connected with yours?

Wolf like animal seen Sept 28 2017
by: Anonymous

As I was driving down Colonel Talbot Rd just north of Southdale Rd, on the east side of the road at about 9:35 pm, a large dog-like animal had come up out of the ditch. This was not a dog, it was large, I would say about 80-120 lbs. It stood at the side of the road for about 10 seconds. As I tried to get a better look and take a picture he then, turned and walked back down into the ditch from where he first come out of. I have heard of people seeing Coyotes and some say they have seen Wolves as well. It was not until last night that with my on eyes I saw this wolf-like animal standing within 8 ft of my car. I called animal control to report what I had seen and where. I noted to the person the size and colour. The animal had a very thick tail and was of a whit or grey with darker colours and very big. The animal was larger than a German Shepherd, much bigger. I was very surprised to see such a thing, but it was also very beautiful to see an animal like that.

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