What is it?

by Anonymous

A female and offspring have appeared in my yard, they are the size of doves, grey brown in colour, with long bill.

They have a red patch on the back of the head, and a black patch on the breast, with a white patch near the tail.

What are they?

I can tell you with almost absolute certainty, that what you are seeing are "Northern Flickers" which are a type of Woodpecker, but they do spend a lot of time on the ground, rather than looking for food in the trees.

I have posted a picture of one on here - let me know if this is what you saw.

Have a great day!

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Northern Flicker
by: Anonymous

I also see Northern flickers at my country property in York ON, very similar to a Red Bellied Woodpecker but different colours. Always on the ground looking for ants etc. I never hear any noise from it though unlike the Red Belly which I can hear a mile away.

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