Red Tailed Hawks in the backyard

by Chris
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

I live in a highrise building in downtown Toronto, Ontario.

I started noticing the pigeons flying in circles in groups, there are a lot of pigeons around here, so I started watching the skies, and noticed groups of birds of prey chasing them.

I know for a fact they were Red Tailed Hawks, as I am a avid bird watcher, only Birds of prey.

My main story is there are townhouses with backyards on the first floor of the building, I was walking by one in the early afternoon, and was just walking when this loud bang made me jump a bit. As i turned my head to see what the noise was, this Hawk flew over my head and landed in a tree.

I startled them while they were eating some pigeons and the Hawk's wing had hit the glass door so hard I thought it was going too break as it flew off.

There were three of them and the other two were staying there still eating the pigeons, it was a very nice sight.

I have also been lucky to have seen a few Peregrine Falcons on the roof, they love them cause the buildings are very tall.

I see them fly by my balcony cause I am on a high floor.

I love it, also see the odd Turkey Vulture fly by, it's very nice to live in such a big city and see these wonderful birds.

Glad I could share this story with you, thank you.

Thank you for sending this to us Chris, and I apologize for the delay in getting this on our website.

Your story is interesting and I know our readers will love it!

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You're welcome
by: Anonymous

You're welcome, and I understand the delay because I am reading the other posts on your site and there are a lot. Thank you for posting this. This is a great site.

Thank you - I'm glad you like our website - this site is my hobby and my passion!

I love the area of Canada where we live and I love the towns and cities, the small villages, the beaches, and I love the wildlife of the area.

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