Prey bird having lunch

by Sandy K
(Oakville, Ontario, Canada)

Saw this bird on our back fence in Oakville, Ontario on April 21, 2020.

Not sure what it is but it’s eating a Blue Jay.

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That's the bird who committed murder in our yard too!
by: Betty

I couldn't find the type of bird it was, but it matches this picture of the Cooper's Hawk. This is the first time we have seen a bird get swooped up from our backyard and eaten in the neighbours tree. Now I fear for the poor birds coming to our birdfeeder!

Cooper's Hawk
by: Jax

This is a Cooper's Hawk! You can tell by the black cap on its head (very jaunty) and the grey nape. We have one here in our neighbourhood in Mississauga but I've never seen it catch a Blue Jay!

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