More Coyotes?

by Three of our Readers

Three of our readers have recently commented on how many Coyotes have been seen this year and voice their concerns - one says ......

"We've seen three coyotes on the pack ice between Colborne Beach and the Riding Club, Sarnia. We've spotted them 25-30 times this year".

And another asks ......

"I have lived in Ontario for 42 yrs and had never seen a Coyote until one ran through my backyard in Ajax last year. Since then I have seen four more. Three in Ajax, and one in Don Mills!"

The third one comments ......

"On February 6th 2011 I spotted a Coyote at 11 o'clock in the morning, strolling down my road, with not a care in the world. He didn't look too healthy though, so im kind of worried about letting my small dogs out!"

It seems that the numbers of Coyotes in Ontario may be increasing, or perhaps our readers are just more aware of the Nature around them.

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