I saw the Lights tonight
by Barb from discover-southern-ontario.com
(St Thomas, Ontario, Canada)
Northern Lights

The first submission to our section about the Northern Lights comes from me - Barb, your webmistress - I can't wait to tell you about the Northern Lights I spotted this evening!February 1st 2010, I was driving along a dark road around 7:45pm, just outside of St Thomas when to the north, appearing to be close to London, I spotted what I thought were unusual cloud formations.
At first I thought they might be lights from the ground, shining upwards toward the clouds.
As I watched them and my eyes became accustomed to the darkness, I saw them become brighter and clearer and they were the typical "curtain" formation of the Northern Lights.
I stopped my car and watched for about ten minutes, then rushed home to get my hubby, who reluctantly agreed to come with me to see them.
Unfortunately, by the time we got to a place where it was dark enough to see them clearly, they had already begun to fade.
They were pale yellow in colour and I figure they must have lasted about 15 - 25 minutes before they faded from my view.
Did anyone else catch a glimpse of them tonight?
The picture on this page is courtesy of © Roman Gorka | Dreamstime.com