Huron County Coyotes

by Gord (Paramedic)
(Huron County, Ontario)

Gord, one of our readers sent us this report of his many Coyote sightings - During our travels over the past month, November - December, we have seen at least 12 different Coyotes between Clinton and Bayfield.

They have all looked very healthy, with good colour and fur. There also seems to be a large decline in the deer population this year.

This could be because of last years long hard winter and the increase in the Coyote population in the area.


Thank you for the information Gord, perhaps more of our readers have observed Coyotes in the Bayfield and Clinton area - if so, we'd love to hear about it

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They are everywhere
by: Anonymous

My daughter lives in Kitchener and I’ve heard and seen them. I live near Goderich and I hear them every night. Seen one the other night. Big and healthy looking. Stopped and looked at me then was on his way. Nov 2023

breeding season cayotes in open Airport Road
by: Anonymous

A pack of 5 coyotes has been seeing in Goderich Airport Road today February 22 2020, early morning before 7 a.m. and last night at sun set and close to the Maitland Marina, be careful if you take a walk in these areas.

Big coyote sighted on Blacks point road before Orchard line
by: Anonymous

Saw a large reddish grey coyote today at 10:30 am on the road. Not afraid at all.

Coyote Sighting
by: Anonymous

Just had a Coyote walk across my back lawn and onto my deck. I live north of Goderich - Sunset Beach. It was orange/reddish with a little bit of black on its cheeks. Quite unafraid and just stared at me as it loped off.

Coyotes in Bayfield
by: Bayfield Cottager

Probably not a bad idea to keep your pets indoors.

I only take my cat out on a leash (harness). She likes to go out for a nightly walk and this evening we were out at about 10:30 pm just walking around the house. We saw a coyote about 20 feet from us in the neighbour's lot. I always keep a flashlight with me and I noticed the cat suddenly spotted something in the dark. I shone my flashlight and saw the coyote staring back at us. My cat began hissing and wanted to go after it but I got her into the house - and fast.

Actually, that's the first time I have seen a coyote, but my father saw one closer in town about a month ago. My cottage is on the outer edge of south Bayfield.

I have been interested in the coyote sightings since I first heard of them in Michigan where I live. It worries me a bit as I lost one cat already (but several years ago).

Coyotes are out of control
by: Anonymous

Tonight I had coyotes in our neighbours back yard, killing a small animal,not sure if it was a rabbit, or cat. I have two dogs, and am terrified to go out at night. There are lots of little kids coming in the summer to various cottages, and any of them can be running in and out of the house, to the beach, etc. This is May 30, and they are running everywhere, with numerous sightings. We are just north of Grand BEnd, near the water plant. We are very frightened with these animals running so close to the houses, and attacking us or our pets. What can be done about this. I don;t live in a field, i live in an enclave of 20 cottages, some permanent and others seasonal. Lots of people around during the months May to October.

Singing Coyotes
by: Vince

I live just south of Grand Bend, Ontario. Across from my house is field and forest with a river running close by. Quite often in the evening and early morning, I get to listen to the singing of the Coyotes. Sightings are not as numerous as I'd like and there are enough. It would seem that the Coyote population is coming back and covers quite an area.

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