Flock of Hawks

by Lo
(Oshawa, Ontario, Canada)


I saw a flock of about 30 Hawks last fall near Oshawa, Ontario.

It was a beautiful sight, but I am curious as to whether this is a regular occurrence?

Yes, Lo, each fall tens of thousands of birds of prey migrate through Southern Ontario, and it is possible to see groups of them overhead as they glide slowly as they head southward.

The YouTube video below, was filmed in Texas and shows over 400 migrating Broad-winged Hawks.

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Kettle of hawks
by: Anonymous

Tuesday October 17 2023.south Mississauga 10:30 am. I happened to see at least 100 hawks over head. Large and small gliding south. I've never seen that many at one time.

found this through search saw 2 hawks circling overhead October 4
by: Tara Greene

hi My husband and I saw two hawks circling overhead today from our backyard near the Beach. Two red tails made a nest in our neighbours big pine tree years ago we watched as they hatched their babies and left them alone then watched the fledglings fly out and away. I wondered if this were the same two or a new pair. It was a wonderful visitation. They didn't seem to be red tailed but had light colored heads. I thought they were eagles.

Kettle of hawks
by: Anonymous

Saw about 200 hundred hawks not sure what kind with a few turkey vultures also circling high above in Brant ontario Sept 2023!

Not crows or vultures... HAWKS!
by: AC

I saw three flocks of hawks in Norfolk, Ontario earlier this month (Sept 2022). They ranged in group size from 13 - 20 hawks. I couldn't believe my eyes. I had no idea they did that. Glad this site exists to verify it. I'm not sure exactly what kind they were, but they looked like red-tail hawks.

by: Anonymous

Saw my first flock of hawks today in Mississauga Ontario Canada I roughly counted 17 .. such a beautiful sight

Saw another flock today
by: Mark

It's amazing, I hadn't gotten an update from this site for ages. Then today I saw a flock of hawks over Castle Rock in Sedona AZ. I told my wife, and mentioned this blog page and how I'd first found it years ago when I saw my first flock of hawks. And then tonight I got an update and link. Pretty cool!

Hawks flocking overhead in Venice,Florida
by: Bill & Nancy

Hundreds / thousands of hawks gliding on the strong wind currents all over Venice, Florida yesterday. There were about 25 flying over each house on our street. Many flying as low as 30-40 ft, others circling high over head. Thought at first it was just our neighborhood, but venturing out we discovered they were over many other areas of the city.

Now we know where all our Hawks go in the winter!

Beautiful sight
by: Anonymous

I saw a kettle in Hamilton, Ontario today. Easily 45 or more.

by: Anonymous

I've been seeing Hawks in the sky between Pickering and Oshawa almost every day for the past 2 weeks, this seems extremely strange to me as I can probably count on one hand the number of times I've seen a hawk prior to this September. I even saw 12+ one afternoon in the sky above the Oshawa Centre. A friend who lives in the beaches area East of Toronto, says they are seeing a lot of them lately too - are their migratory patterns being thrown off or something?

Riding thermals
by: Anonymous

I saw 25+ yesterday riding thermals near Lakefield. Perhaps beginning to gather together before migrating?

Hawks in winter
by: Lucy T V

I first noticed a kettle of Hawks on 2/8/17 across the street from my house. It was about 5 pm. They just kept coming and nestled in the tall pine trees. I could not believe that the pine trees didn't bend. On 2/9/17 at 4:30 pm the same thing happened. Are they the same Hawks? Are they different and migrating in the same path? Thought they migrated in the fall. A big coincidence that they would stop in the same trees. I find this very strange.
Thanks for your info - the hawks do migrate south in the fall, but they also return in spring. This winter has been mild and they could be heading back early this year.

Flock of Hawks
by: Anonymous

East Moline, Illinois - Last October I counted 18 hawks in a tall dead tree in my back yard and at least 5 more flying around overhead. I couldn't believe my eyes so I snapped a couple pictures. Awesome, beautiful sight!

So many Hawks
by: Anonymous

Saw at least 22 hawks fly over my house in North Oshawa and more where coming! Was pretty cool to see so many together!

Hundreds of hawks in Mississauga
by: Rose

I live in Mississauga, Ontario, Canada. This morning I saw a very large group of hawks, at least 100, circling but moving south slowly. I didn't know hawks grouped together and found out from this site that they do, and that they migrate. It was amazing and I snapped some shots with my zoom lens. You learn something new every day!

Saw this on Bowmanville
by: Anonymous

I saw a large group of at least 50-60 earlier today. I took several pictures as I had never seen this before. This was in Bowmanville, Ontario.

6 or More Birds Circling Today
by: Anonymous

I was outside and I saw about 6-8 birds (I believe they were hawks) circling over my house in South Oshawa today (May 8, 2015). It lasted quite a few minutes. It was an amazing sight, however, I'm so glad that my 2 tiny dogs were not out in the yard with me. It makes me very frightened to even take my dogs into my yard with me now for fear of them getting grabbed. It would completely devastate me if one of them were to be grabbed by these birds.

I saw 19 hawks sitting in a tree
by: Anonymous

Last week I saw 19 Hawks sitting in a tree. This was Ardmore, PA - a suburban area outside Philadelphia. I had seen some of them soaring overhead earlier. Then, on a walk, came upon a tall tree in the front yard of a house. The trees are tall, bare this time of year. The neighborhood has nice houses, but not big yards. The are is near the Merion Golf Course scene of the U.S. Open. There were 19 Hawks, two other passersby counted the same number. Large, dark brown underneath. Saw a crow trying to chase one that had landed in his tree not far off.

Flock of Hawks
by: Tah

I live in Western North Carolina and yesterday after I picked up my granddaughter at school I took her home. We both got out of the car and saw a strange sight ...two groups of hawks were soaring high over a field. As we watched this amazing sight, one group started flying one by one to join the other group. Now they were one flock of hawks and they soared higher and higher until it was hard to see them....then they started flying off to the Northwest. This is why I got up this morning with the hawks on my mind so I decided to Google it :)

Flock of Hawks in Melbourne, Fl
by: Becky from Florida

I saw about 15 Hawks sitting on my neighbors roof, some were sitting in his back yard, and some were flying over my backyard. It was the strangest thing I ever saw. Reminded me of the old Alfred Hitchcock movie, "The Birds". I kept my little Pug inside. I didn't want her to become an appetizer for them.

Flock of Hawks in Boise, ID
by: Anonymous

Saw a flock of 20 hawks yesterday. They were passing overhead at higher altitude and a smaller local hawk circled up to join them. Then they flew off to the northwest. Awesome sight. Never seen this before. Won't forget it either.

Hundreds of Hawks
by: Anonymous

Just seen 100+ hawks just circling, it was awesome!! More just kept coming. Location: Minerva, Ohio, USA

Sunday sighting
by: Anonymous

We drove north on Verdin St in northern Andover, MN just before noon on Sunday, Oct. 6, 2013. My daughter was the first to notice the circling hawks above us. I would guess that there were 40-50 birds - I really didn't attempt to count them. This was our first ever sighting of migrating hawks. What a treat!

Hawks galore!
by: Anonymous

Just in the last hour in North Portland, above in the clear blue sky, well over 100 hawks circling in the sky, simply beautiful! Never seen anything like it, once in a lifetime event. They slowly broke off into separate groups, just lazily drifting along! I tried to keep track of them as long as I could. Lasted about an hour. Made my day!

Kettle of Hawks in western Oregon
by: Anonymous

Arrested in my walk by the sight of fifty Hawks circling above.

Hawk sighting
by: Anonymous

I just saw a kettle of Hawks in Barry, Texas.

A Kettle of Hawks
by: Anonymous

I just saw a kettle of hawks (approximately 30) in Rocky River, Ohio, on 8/20/2013

I just saw a flock of Hawks
by: Anonymous

Just saw a flock of hawks in Vienna, Virginia, 12/10/12 @ approx 10:15 am. Surprising and cool! They landed in a tree. Guessing around 50. Too far away to get a picture :(.

Champaign, IL
by: Anonymous

Yesterday, 5-4-2012 My wife and I saw 22 Hawks together in Champaign, IL.

What a sight!

Thanks for letting us know - they are heading our way!

Gibson City, IL
by: Roseann

I saw a flock of 12 Hawks in Gibson City, IL, today atb 6:13 pm. They are so incredibly majestic. They were circling lazily in the breeze.

Maybe they are heading north towards Canada, and we will see them here for the summer - thanks for the info!

Flock of Hawks
by: Anonymous

Today 11/27/2011, over N. Asheville, North Carolina, USA. I could only count 15, but believe that some had passed beyond view. Mostly riding the air currents, fairly high, drifting NW to SE.

Thanks for the info - we knew that they had left here, but now we know where they were heading!

30 hawks OCT. 2011
by: Silly Sally

Location: Birchmount Road & Highview Ave.
Date: Oct. 25, 2011

There are about 30+ hawks that have been circling for days.

The are staying in a tree next door to the original #1 Fire Hall, now a museum. This was the most spectacular site I have ever seen.
They are all sitting in one big tree.

This happens between 1030 am to 1100 am.

There is a little park across the street that you can sit and watch this amazing movement happen.

Enjoy !

Flock of Hawks
by: Anonymous

I saw a flock of about 40-50 hawks soaring over Lake St. Clair in Windsor, Ontario, yesterday afternoon.

They were very high and flying below white puffy clouds.

They were easy to identify with binoculars. Very unusual sight for me!

Flock of Hawks
by: scott

I saw about 50-70 Broad Winged Hawks flying over my house near Sault Ste Marie, Ontario,

This was on May 1 2011.

Flock of Hawks over Ellwood City, PA
by: Ellwoodian

I filmed a flock of about 25 hawks over Ellwood City, PA on April 28,2011. I live near woods and often see one or two flying around, but never in a flock. They were up very high and just seemed to fly about in all directions for about a half an hour.

I would like to post the video, but I don't know if it's possible.

Does anyone know if I can?

Here is the link to the video of the flock of Hawks - Hawk Video - although, from the black and white markings on the underside of the wings, I suspect they may be a flock of Turkey Vultures.

Large number of Hawks
by: Anonymous

On Saturday April 16, 2011 I saw over 160 Hawks on a field in Southern Oklahoma.
The birds where all on the ground and stayed for almost the entire day.

I'm assuming these birds were migrating, but have never heard of such.

Does anyone know why these birds would gather in such large numbers?

Hello there - I would think that the Hawks are stopping to feed as they are Migrating north for the summer - when they leave where you live, they come to where I live! They migrate in great numbers in this area in the fall, as they head south again.

Flock of Hawks
by: Roseann

I saw a flock of hawks today about 6pm in Rantoul, IL. There were at least 20 just lazily circling around by the pond.

It was an amazing sight and the first time I ever saw so many at once.

Flock of Hawks in Sandia Mountains of New Mexico
by: East Mountain

Very cool, I saw a flock of Hawks last Saturday above the east side of the Sandia Mountains, behaving exactly as described in the other postings.

There were at least a couple of hundred, probably more, just circling lazily, they came right above me, wish I'd taken a pictures or shot a video, forgot my cell phone, could have done that.

Hawks in Oshawa
by: Anonymous

We have about 6 Hawks that stay in Oshawa in the summer months. Not too sure where their ground zero is, but by it's a nice sight to see the Hawks!

What a sight!
by: Anonymous

I spotted in the sky about 10-15 Hawks or large birds of prey in suburbs south of Pittsburgh, PA today (about 6:45 PM).

I have never seen so many at one time. It was amazing!

Flock of Hawks?
by: Champ

I'm in South Carolina. Yesterday around 4p.m. I saw a SWARM of Hawks. It was beautiful. I have never seen or heard of anything like this. They were slowly circling, drifting, floating apart then grouping together again as they slowly made their way south. I counted at least seventy ..... thats all I could see, but I'm sure there were more. Simply amazing.

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