Does anyone know the name of these birds?

by Danny

I have these birds come and feed with the doves and sparrows etc, only in the spring and fall, but for some reason they have stayed for the winter and are doing very good eating with other birds on my deck.

They are very close to the size of a finch with a very small mouth and beak like a finch.

Now I have see two different colours - one with black head and back with a little stripe of white in the tail when flying.

The other bird same size etc, only to have a soft brown colour on the head and back with a white belly.

I think the black are the males and brown are the females.

I need to know the name please, they are so cute.

Hello Danny - I think the birds you are describing might be Slate Juncos.

These birds show a flash of white on their tail as they fly and there is quiet a variation in their plumage.

Are these the bird you saw? If so, please let me know in the comments below.

Juncos in Ontario

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by: Frank

Danny: Your Sparrow family members are called, "Dark-eyed Junco." Variations in plumage occur as there are sub-species within the family as well as from which area of the country they first nest
prior to migration.

This link should useful for illustrations.

Besides keeping bird feeders full this winter,
spread seeds on the ground as Juncos tend to jump
and scratch for fallen seed.

Junco you
by: Anonymous

I am sure the bird on the left is a junco but I have never seen them in the other plumage.

Barb, your Webmistress, here ... I just put those three pictures to see if those are what Danny observed.

I hope Danny sees this and can confirm that these are the birds he saw.

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