Coyotes in Ajax

by Steve
(Ajax, Ontario, Canada)

In the community of Nottingham in North Ajax, in the green space, it's reported there is a pack of 6 Coyotes.

I have seen and heard one in the long weeds and grass.

They blend in well at this time of year (late fall / early winter) when everything is brown.

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Coyotes in Ajax
by: Anonymous

I saw a pack of two Coyotes in the soccer fields at Clements and Monarch Road, in the early morning. Tried to catch my Jack Russell, but I ran at them yelling, and they backed off, but still stayed close until I got in my car.

See and hear them all the time
by: Anonymous

In Ajax, Ontario, at the greenspace east of Nottingham west of Harwood. Heard a pack of them this morning before 6am. I usually see them travelling alone during the day back there - it's a HEAVILY trafficked area all the time, so people should be aware - children use it to cross in between neighbourhoods and there's a walking path.

Have been seeing and hearing them often for the last year or two.

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