Coyote in Oakville

by Chris Palmer
(Oakville, Ontario)

My wife, dog and I went out on our front porch and from the moment we went out our dog (Stratus) started sniffing very "aggressively". Odd enough behavior that my wife commented immediately.

Then he took a very keen interest in something that was little way off. At this point I grabbed his collar, feeling that a dog must be about to walk by.

Then my wife spotted a "dog" crossing Westoak Trails Blvd. She then quickly said "IS that a dog?". We then realized that this "dog" was in fact a Coyote. We were quite surprised to see a Coyote crossing a busy street just before sunset.

He walked calmly into the ravine area, across from our house.

To confirm this suspicion we googled it a found this page.

We live between Third Line and Bronte on Westoak Trails. This is a very busy residential area in Northwest Oakville. There is a very small ravine - fairly naturalized.

This confirms my suspicion of a few months ago as well. At about 2am I went out for smoke and invited Stratus. He refused to go out and in fact ran back inside and hid. I then heard what I thought was an animal being attacked. Along with a lot of howling. I now know this was coyotes as well.

Chris Palmer

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We are the cause of this situation.
by: Anonymous

I live in Milton and for the past 5 years. At the beginning I was able to hear coyotes howling at night from the escarpment. But since Matamy are destroying all natural habitat for the human greed. I don't hear the howling anymore, all i see now is many road kills. Where would you go if your house and surroundings were destroyed?

We need to think a little further then our greed and selfishness. We need to think about how and why wildlife is moving in our cities?

Unless greed made us insensitive and completely ignorant.

by: Anonymous

The reason there is such a problem is we are taking over all the open space for our wildlife, what should happen is a ban on building. We are losing very important green space for our wildlife so they have no choice but to come into residential areas.
I lived in Oakville for 15 years but have moved away because it has grown so much is so over populated and all the beautiful open space and parks are disappearing!!!!

coyotes in College park area
by: Ian

I live directly beside White Oaks High School. On February 25th I took my friend's dog for a walk in the park off the leash, she bolted at a small grove of trees.

I thought it was three dogs that ran from her but it was 3 Coyotes. I put the dog on the leash and went a little closer, reluctantly, the Coyotes{mother and two pups I believe} reluctantly retreated but tried to surround me.

The next night I went back out and saw another larger Coyote, the male I believe, it just sat and stared at the dog and I from about thirty yards.

I believe the construction in sixteen mile is driving them south, they are here to stay.

by: anonymous

I too live in the neighborhood closer to the trail system running through from Bronte, and have on several occasions seen the Coyotes running by.

On one occasion in particular there were two running together.

I have a Golden Retriever and never let him out alone in the evening.

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