Coyote in Malcolmson Park St.Catharines Ontario

by Noah Dillon
(St.Catharines, Ontario, Canada)



I was walking in the park, at around 8:00 pm, when a saw what looked like a dog walking down the path towards me. At first I thought it was a Dog with it's owner just taking a midnight stroll, when I noticed the size and the behavior it was performing.

It trotted down the path, bouncing up and down, It's mouth was open and panting. Then it turned of the trail, into the deeper parts of the woods.

When I got home, I opened a YouTube video and noticed that the animal I had seen, was indeed, a Coyote. Now I always have a buddy with me in the woods at all times during the night hours.

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Coyote Sighting Garnet Street St. Catherine's, ON 10/15/23
by: Anonymous

Looked out my front window just before 6am and saw a Coyote running towards my home, it turned and continued running down down Ormonde toward FacerStreet not bothering with the cat on the sidewalk. Poor thing, looked like it was lost and out of sorts. Lovely to see his beautiful animal but looking forward to when our Creator puts All things back in perfect balance for the sake of all Creation, humans and Creatures alike. 🙇‍♀️

Linwell coyotes
by: Anonymous

There has been a pack of coyotes, numbering 8 - 10, living in the small wooded areas of Linwell between Ontario and Lake. They were around for most of August, going through backyards, streets and parks. Not a normal habitat in a residential area. They seem to have moved on, but caution should be taken as the last sighting was across from the school.

Coyote running around the neighbourhood
by: Anonymous

Came home last night on Lafayette Dr to find a Coyote running around.

Saw one 2 nights ago off Carlton
by: Anonymous

Actually saw one at 1:30 am 2 nights ago. On Doncaster Blvd St Catharines *(between Carlton and Niagara). Had to triple look but once I turned lights on outside and hubby confirmed.

Coyote in Port Dalhousie
by: Anonymous

Saw a coyote pick something up off of the grass and head into the trees across from the boat launch. I had to squint and realized it was a young Canada Goose. I stood there dumbfounded when the coyote charged back out of the trees and just then I looked at where he had picked up the first goose and there lay another injured young goose. I didn’t even have time to react when he grabbed the second one and darted in front of a moving car to get back into the trees. The entire incident took about 90 seconds. I couldn’t believe how brazen this coyote was in the middle of the day with people around. Keep your dogs on leashes!!!

Linnell and Ontario
by: Anonymous

Just spotted a coyote walking down Linnell Road, by Ontario.

Coyote Tecumseh Street park
by: Anonymous

My daughter and I were walking our three small dogs at 10:00 pm when a large Coyote cam running by just ahead of us. My dogs were alerted and started barking and the Coyote just stood at the entrance of the park watching us. We ran away in fear for my dogs, not sure this was right to run but he was pretty big. I have heard them before and heard from others they go to that park but was pretty surprised to see one that early. Be careful while walking your dogs! PS it most certainly was NOT a big dog

Coyote in the Ontario St. Linwell area
by: A. J.

My dog was out first thing in the morning as she always is, but this morning she picked up 'part' of a bunny whom I had seen several times in our backyard eating the clover. I was horrified and promptly took the 'part' from her. I spoke with my neighbour regarding this and was told that they too had 'part' of the same bunny in their backyard. I was told that we have coyotes in our area.
I have a completely fenced in backyard. CAN COYOTES CLIMB 5' - 6' FENCES??? WILL THEY HARM HUMANS??? Does anyone know?
I don't let my dog out after dark now unless I am with her.
May 2013

Big Old Coyote
by: Bryson

Been seeing them a lot this whole summer along Cumberland and hearing them at night

Port Weller Coyote
by: Anonymous

We've recently seen a large single Coyote running along Cumberland each night around 11:00. Suggest keeping small pets indoors & be careful with food waste. Also probably a good idea to avoid Malcolmson after dark.

Wile E. Coyote on Arthur Street
by: Anonymous

I saw a Coyote crossing Arthur Street as I was driving home one night in early January. It was crossing Arthur just north of Wildwood.

I live in the area, very close to Mary Malcolmson Park, and hear coyotes howling on many nights.

Coyote on Lincoln Ave
by: Jane Langohr

June 7 2011 @ 1:00pm

When I was out walking my dogs this evening down Lincoln Avenue in St. Catharines Ontario, I looked to my left, down the railroad tracks and there was a Coyote standing approx. 30 ft away.

He crossed the road and disappeared into a wooded area nearby.

I also googled "coyote pictures" and sure enough it was the real thing!

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