Coyote at Wildwood Conservation Authority

by Wilma
(St. Marys, Ontario, Canada)

I cross country ski at Wildwood Conservation Area near St Marys, Ontario.

I was about to enter the trail through the woods when approximately thirty feet ahead of me a large Coyote crossed the trail.

It was running slowly at first, then stopped, looked around and entered the Red trail.

I left the area and continued skiing on the open field closer to the parking lot, rather then enter the woods.

When I got home, I checked the internet for photos of Coyotes and the first internet photo was an exact image of what I saw at Wildwood.

I love to ski in the woods where it is peaceful and beautiful; however now I am afraid to do so.

Thanks for your submission - you are wise to be cautious around any large carnivore, but attacks on humans by Coyotes are extremely rare.

During the winter months when food may be scarce, maybe you could ski with a friend, just to be safe.

751894 © Alptraum

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