Big Black Cat Sighting

by Eye Witness
(Janetville, Ontario, Canada)

Big Black Cat

Big Black Cat

Today is July 23 2023

I just saw a huge black cat driving home. Its was on the corner of Chipmunk and Fleetwood road, in Janetville, Ontario. The sighting occurred approximately 100 meters up Fleetwood Road. Driving towards HWY 35 between Janetville Rd and Fleetwood Rd.

It came out of the left grass and took 7 steps to make it across the road. I was 15m away and closing. It did not make those rapid rabbit like movements cats usually make to get away from an incoming car. It was very graceful in its movement like a puma. No fear. It was all black. The grass was knee high and the head was above that. The tail was thicker than a garden hose in the hot sun. This was no house cat. It was 3x bigger.

My car was unusually loud. I was braking rust off my rotors because it had been sitting. I was driving 43km/h exactly at the time of the sighting due to HUD (heads up display).

I know this is a southern Ontario site. But how many big cats do people see? This happened in southern Kawartha Lakes, Ontario.

I am a veteran, that seems to make people more credible according to TV shows. But honestly I'd rather distrust professional authority. Educate yourself, think for yourself and make smart choices based on the facts you verified for yourself. Check sources and look into the mainstream narrative. Why are they always pushing certain things and hiding others?

Be curious! Dont be a follower! Unless you follow the money.

I hope my sighting inspires people to go outside, explore or maybe get lucky and see something amazing.

Ps. Thank you that I'm free to post without having to make an account.

Thank you for sending us this report of your sighting, it is very interesting!

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