Driving Home From Work

by Debbie
(Hamilton, Ontario, Canada)

November 2, 2011

I just got off work at the General Hospital in Hamilton around 9:00pm and was driving home. On Victoria Ave near the railroad tracks just down from houses and people I saw a Wolf.

At first I thought it was a dog, but I stopped my car in the middle of the road and took a good look ... no joke, a Wolf was sniffing around the railroad tracks.

Told my co-workers the next day and of-course they thought I was losing my mind.

November 15 2011

Getting off work again at 9pm but this time my husband picked me up at work. We were driving on Burlington St towards the east end of Hamilton, and a big Wolf was running on the other side of the road going towards the sidewalk approximately 30 ft from our car.

I said to my husband "Tell me you see that" He was as shocked as I was the first time.

As pretty as the animal is it is also very scary especially if you are walking in the neighbourhood.

I looked up this website just to prove to one guy at work that wolf sightings are common in Southern Ontario.

Thank goodness I am not the only one!!

Thank you everyone.

Hi Debbie, thank you so much for sending us this report of your sighting - who knows, you could have seen a Wolf, a Coyote or a Wolf-Coyote hybrid, but it would be very rare for a Wolf to be living so close to human habitation.

It is always so interesting to read what people send to me, checking the website submissions every morning is such a great part of my day!

If you see this, or a similar animal, again please let us know!

I will also post this on our facebook page.


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Lone Wolf in Jerseyville?
by: up2late

I live between Ancaster and Brantford and am accustomed to the howling of Coyotes on an almost nightly basis. These howls are high pitched and usually start out with a single voice followed by the response of several other high pitched, almost frenzied voices. A little creepy when one doesn't fully understand the behavior associated with the howls.

Last night was different.

At around 2am my girl and I heard about a full minute of howling. All from one animal and much deeper than the usual Coyote howls.

The howling stopped with no response from other animals.

Maybe we were hearing one of your Wolves.

Wonderful sighting!
by: Meaghan Edwards

My dog's trainer saw a Wolf (a definite Wolf) crossing highway 403.

Maybe it's the same animal?

Wolf sighting
by: Anonymous

Debbie, that is amazing, I would LOVE to see a pic (even one snapped from a cell phone)I never leave the house without my digital camera or at least my cell phone because you just never know what you're going to see :)

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