Unknown bird

by Brian Cookman
(Mississauga, ON)

Saw two birds the other day, look very similar to a Robin, about the same size, except their chest was more of a pumpkin color, and more of it, not as orange as a Robin, with black wings, and some white markings.

I've lived in Southern Ontario just about all of my life, and never seen one of these before.

Thanks for any help.

Okay readers, if anyone knows what these birds may be, please let us know!

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Eastern or Spotted Towhee
by: Alexis

I think the bird you're wondering about is probably a Towhee (Eastern or Spotted).

I've seen Eastern Towhee in Markham on a few occasions, like you the first time I saw one it looked similar to a Robin.

Orange and Black bird
by: Anonymous

Probably this bird you saw, was an ORIOLE.

Possibly a Towhee
by: Anonymous

A Rufous sided Towhee has a white breast with rufous sides, black with some white markings on wings. About the size of a Robin, the most striking feature is the red eyes.

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