Sighting in Brampton

by Marty
(Brampton, Ontario, Canada)

Marty, one of our readers, sent us this report today - I was driving west on Countryside Drive in Brampton, and a Coyote ran across the road, moving quite fast, I didn't know they could grow so big.

At first i thought was a Wolf, but i saw different pictures and it looked like a cross between a Wolf and Coyote ... weird .....

Hey, Marty - thanks for sending this to us. Some experts say that the Coyotes in this area are a Red Wolf/Coyote hybrid, so I guess some of them could look more like a Wolf than a Coyote.

This website about the Northeastern Coyote may be of interest to you and you may also find this article from Sciencemag interesting.

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by: Anonymous

I swear to God that while biking down a street off Rutherford Road and Lakelands area, a WOLF chased me on my I was not on drugs!

I was biking looking for wood people throw out and I use to burn in a fire, and I came across a huge white Husky-looking dog, but noticed right away that the look on its face was too narrow and tail was too long and thin to be a Husky and as I thought that, BAM he locked eyes with me and started chasing me down the road.

I wasn't going very fast cause I wanted to see if it was a playful dog..... NOPE this thing was fast and agile and was trying to cut me off.

I pulled into the nearby school parking lot and it was all over me trying to jump up and seemed like it wanted me off that bike, so I sped up and darted for an on-coming car and the Wolf was forced to stop cause it was confused at what to chase and what that horn was.

It looked at the car and then me and BAM just like that it was gone.

What a night.....I swear to God this happened but I don't know for sure what kind of wolf that was, cause that animal had a very mean look in its eyes and not domestic at all.

Please advise.

Sheesh, I broke into a sweat just reading this!

You should probably contact the MNR about this, there may be other people around who have seen it or had an experience like yours.

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