Dead Cooper's Hawk Meadowvale Mississauga

by N. Halff
(Mississauga, Ontario, Canada)

I discovered these two dead birds next to each other in my townhouse complex in Meadowvale, Mississauga the morning of Sept. 24, 2020.

I think the large one is a Cooper's Hawk and the smaller one may be it's baby.

I tried to find out if these birds are monitored in Mississauga so I could file a report, but could not find that information.

I truly hope they were not purposefully killed (there is a playground nearby).

Clearly something terrible happened to these beautiful birds; a shame.

Thank you for sending these pictures, I don't know what kind of hawk the larger one is, but perhaps one of our readers will be able to positively identify it.

I believe that the smaller one, the brown one, is a Sparrow.

How sad that they died, and I hope it was not deliberate.

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