Baby Robins

by Two of our Readers

North American Robin and Nest

North American Robin and Nest

One of our readers said ... A Hawk Killed the baby Robins ... I'm so upset. The Robin babies I've been watching since the eggs were laid and hatched are dead ... a hawk killed and ate them. I've had the busiest days, I came home and needed to get baking a Mother's Day cake, I didn't go see the nest like I do normally. The windows are closed since it's hot out. I couldn't hear momma screaming.

I open my front door hours later from coming home and actually see the god-damned hawk fly off the nest (which is ON MY COVERED FRONT PORCH WALL!!!), I hear momma screaming and see a mess of bird poop and feathers all over my deck.

I'm an absolute mess. I'm so gutted this happened. I thought they'd be safe under the cover of the porch.

I know rationally it could have happened any time, when I'm at work or after I left tomorrow, it just hurts that I was right there inside when this happened. I can't stop crying. I'm so sad for the momma. I hope that hawk chokes.

Another reader wrote ... Robin's nest suddenly empty. A robin built a nest on top of a wreath on our from door. We have a front porch so that nest is safely protected from rain and sun. So as to not disturb her, we even stopped using front door and used the side garage door to come in/out of the house.

Last Saturday much to our delight we see 4 chicks, which had just hatched that day. Then on Sunday afternoon I took a peek ad the nest was completely empty and neat! No sign of struggle or anything like that. We felt saddened at this loss.

We were hoping the mom moved them since we were active in the front lawn watering plants and such, so maybe she moved them elsewhere out of caution. But from reading comments here that doesn't seem likely?

We have a lot of Blue Jays and Back birds in our area, but they never come to the front porch where the Robin was nesting. They usually hang out in the back of the house by the birdfeeder.

2549550 © Tony Campbell |

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