The amazing Monarch migration!

by Lisa Carriere
(London, Ontario, Canada)

Every year, the last generation of Monarch Butterflies born in the fall migrate to Mexico! Nobody knows quite why they do it or how they know it's time but they know!

Hawk's Cliff near Port Stanley is a hot-spot in the fall for seeing all kinds of migrating songbirds, raptors, monarchs and even dragonflies.

This has traditionally been the place for bird enthusiasts to come and catch of glimpse of some of the thousands of birds that use this route on their migration.

The exciting news is that Hawk's cliff has been purchased by the Thames Talbot Land Trust and now there are lots of things for the nature lover to do including walks and trails.

The middle two weekends each September are the time to go - everyone will be there with informational booths and talks, guided walks, etc.

I have been tagging wild Monarchs for about 10 years for Monarch Watch - a group dedicated to helping Monarchs thrive, and it's my favourite time of year.

The meadows are in full bloom and some days there are hundreds of Monarchs travelling through. It is a sight that can't be described.

Come on out and learn all about this fascinating butterfly as well as the countless birds that use this route for their migration south.

Thank you so much for your information and pictures - I'm sorry I didn't get round to posting this until now.

I will also post this on our facebook page so that our facebook followers can also find your information and enjoy your pictures.

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