Big Adult Red Tailed Hawk.. Toronto?

by Kayden C
(Toronto, Ontario, Canada)

Hawk with pigeon prey

Hawk with pigeon prey

I was sitting on my back deck this morning having coffee, when this big adult male Red Tailed Hawk landed in our tree.

It was holding a city pigeon in its right talon.

I felt for the still-live pigeon, but that's nature. I know it's not a rare sight, a raptor with a kill, but living in Highpark in Toronto, its pretty rare.

My Nikon was packed away, but I did the best I could with a little hand cam.

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Red Tails are a treasure!
by: Anonymous


Thanks for your post. It's a great sighting and picture. As common as they say hawks are, I am still in awe whenever I see one.

Thanks again for sharing this.

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